Chapter 22: Field of Machpelah

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"Are you sure?," Adam asked me for a hundredth time.

We already drove past Mamre and Hebron. We're able to reach the Cave of the Patriarchs in no time. According to Raven, the parchment indicates that the next direction would be found somewhere in the cave of Machpelah, which was inaccesible nowadays.

"I told you, Adam. She looked sincere, and I can feel it. I'm sorry if she tried to hurt you-"

"Kill me."

"-but I guess she would never dare to commit that again ever. Gas. I still can't believe she told me that I'm her new master."

We were sitting again at the backseat, Shaun was driving and Andra was riding shotgun. In the backseat next to me were Adam and Raven, the latter was just being quiet the whole time but I could tell that he was eavesdropping in our conversation as he would give me random sideway glances every now and then.

"Then who was her former... master?," he asked, emphasizing the master as if it was ridiculous.

"Enlil, I guess," I shrugged.

"Why would Enlil turn her over to you?"

"I don't know, Adam. Maybe because he said that he's not an enemy and it looks like he knows my mother very well," I answered exasperatedly, quite irritated that I have to mention my late mother.

That silenced him. "I'm sorry."

I closed my eyes and sighed, then just laid my head on his shoulder to relax myself.

Suddenly, a continuous beeping interrupted the silence inside the car. I quickly sat up and groped my pocket. When finding no phone, my shoulders sagged as I remembered that me and Adam left ours back in his study so that our parents can't contact nor track us, if ever there's happened to be an intervention.

I sighed, realizing that I'm already missing my father. Thinking back to our last encounter, I no longer feel the hurt and wrath. But now, I'm worrying if he's doing fine.

I looked at Adam and saw that he was apparently feeling the same.

"I miss them, too," he said with a sad smile.

My heart clenched at the sight, a guilt invades my heart as the memory of my dream back in Tower of Babel resurfaced my mind.

"Why?," her voice was hoarse. Thus, I can't tell if we have the same voice. "Why did you do this? Why do you have to drag Adam in this?"

My eyes burned from the memory. "I'm sorry," I said, my voice a little bit shaky.

His eyebrows furrowed upon seeing my misty eyes, he was always concerned for me and I hate it. What did I do to deserve it? I don't deserve it.

"No," he reached for my hand and intermingled with his. "Don't be sorry," he said sincerely while all still staring at me. "I would be sadder if I let you go through all of this without me by your side," he ran his thumb over mine. "We'll be fine."

I smiled. He never failed to warm my heart. I brought my head back on his shoulder and sighed. "I just wish that I could say to Dad right now that I already forgave him."

He squeezed my hand softly. "You will. In God's perfect time," he said the latter with so much love, and I would never be happier to have a best friend like him.

My eyes now were now casted at Andra who's running her thumb on the tab. I forgot that they have it with them.

"Stop the car," she ordered.

Though Shaun was driving at a normal speed, we all jerked roughly on our seats when he suddenly hit the brake. The tab fell from Andra's hand and it crashed to the base of the car. She snapped her head at Shaun, her eyes turned into narrow slits.

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