Chapter 20: A Beautiful Raindrop

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Raven's POV

Andra charged towards Lot's wife, sending punches to her face, but the woman now has no any emotions, she was just really a pillar of salt.

I stood still in my position, thinking on where could Enlil could took Eve, thinking if she is safe. My aggravation became worse as I think that I should be her protecting her by now instead of being clueless as to where she could be. Adam's right. I brought her into this mess. I can't help but to feel like losing my control. The memory of someone dying because of me made its way back to my mind, and finally, darkness consumed me.

No one of my concerns will die today, and the days after today. I certainly won't let the past repeat itself. Only history can. I will keep on defying rules, keep on breaking it - if it meant to save the ones I love. Where is Eve?

I felt myself getting grimmer as time pass by. I won't let Everyone to get hurt, to get killed. She is my only hope. And I'm afraid that now, or maybe in between of our times together, she was getting to mean more than my only hope. My...

I let my body to get in control as I stopped my thoughts to wander. I strode towards Lot's wife, my every steps as heavy as my heart. Andra keeps on elbowing her down, but she would keep on getting up. I snorted. This woman doesn't lose her vitality at all. But she was made of minerals. I CAN CRUSH HER.

She was sent on the ground for a hundredth time, and was about to stand up but I didn't let her for her hundredth time as I gripped her face with my hand full of spite.

"Where is Eve?," I urged, my throat reverberating as my heart claws for an answer. Though I know that she won't answer because her lips are sealed. Literally and not. So I just kept on slamming her head against the ground for that fact, venting my helplessness on how come I'd get Eve. Fuck. I never really liked myself feeling helpless. I got broken the last time I do. "Tell. Me."

She raised her arm and remorphed it but I just crushed it irascibly under my palm. Starting on her forearm, and to her elbow, then her arm. It became easier to devastate her form as it started raining.

"It's Eve!," Andra yelled.

I snapped my head to her line of sight, there, I saw a beautiful raindrop falling from heaven. I stood and spread my wings which I rarely use. It stretched into its full extent, feeling the air. It's been a long time since the last time I used my dark wings, so loosing it was quite refreshing. I stamped for a head start and went flying to catch Eve from falling.

I caught her in a bridal style, she looked lost staring at the dark sky. What happened?

Then she looked at me and was apparently relieved to see that it was me. She hugged my neck and buried her head in the crook. I felt myself heart beat erratically but kept my face passive. I was also really relieved to see her unharmed.

"Are you ok?," I asked gently as we descend.

"Mmh," she hummed affirmly.

"You're not hurt, am I right?"


"Like what you smell?"

I smirked, looking at her the whole time. Then her eyes shot open upon realization.

"Uh... I-I mean," she stammered, her cheeks colored of roses.

I chuckled, fond on how I have an effect on her. "You're cute," I suddenly said, then my eyes widened not too long after giving such compliment.

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