Chapter 1: Who and What?

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This chapter is dedicated to givemeyouraffection . She's one of my bestfriends in the real world, and she's my first reader. 😍 She also volunteered to sponsor me an eLoad, so I'm really thankful to her and dedicating my first chapter in her name 'cause she deserve it.

ry much for reading my story this far. Yeah, this far. I thought I'm not going to have any readers. So thank you.

If you find this story beautiful, thank you then. Yeah, I thank a lot just as I think a lot. See?

Anyway, I'm accepting banners. Be sure to send me your banners at any of my social media account with your username for a special mention.

My accounts are below the story, so read first. Enjoy.


"You're grounded to drive your cars for a month," my father said, his voice stern.

I was sitting on a barstool and leaning on the kitchen counter, twiddling the spoon in my coffee as I contemplate everything that has happened yesterday and the day, more like night, before.

"No, for two months...," he bid, a bit hesitant, "...for two months and a half! That's final," he concluded while he crossed his arms.

I looked at him across the kitchen counter, he was sitting in front of me, eyes trained on mine. I was annoyed, but I can't blame my father. If I were on his shoe, I would do the same. Maybe I would be a parent who will take my child's car away, just to assure safety.

"If your Mom's still here, she would get very outraged," his voice now soft, and I looked down as a memory came rushing back in my mind...

A young me was riding a bicycle, racing ahead Adam's. My heart leaped with joy as that was the first time I outran him, overwhelmed by my triumphant, I turned my head to look at Adam.

"Eve! Watch out!," he panicked.

I had the sudden urge to jolt my head back to my route and my victory was cut short as I crashed into a tree, hurting myself in the process and ended with my knee and elbow being wounded.

I wasn't able to hiss in pain as I cried horribly instead.

Our parents were taken with surprise upon hearing me wailing. Mom, like a fast, hot wheels, ran to me furiously.

"Eve, get up!," Adam exclaimed, starting to put his hands on my forearms to help me get up.

"No, Adam. Let her go," Mom said firmly.

Adam looked at her, frightened, but he still didn't let go. Then he looked at his parents, his eyes asking permission. After seeing their heads shaking, he reluctantly let me go. Me, on the other hand, still lie on the ground helplessly, tears subsiding. I no longer feel the pain as I feel my mother's wrath instead, pressuring me.

"Why are you in that situation?," her voice was so solid that not even the iceberg which caused Titanic to sink can waver it.

"Because I got crashed," my voice shaking as I fight the sob lumping in my throat.

"Whose fault is it?"


"Who's gonna help you?"

Adam was about to answer but his mother clamped his mouth shut automatically.

"Me," then the lump in my throat was set free as I sob my stupidity.

Third GenesisOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora