Chapter 26

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Ricky's Pov

There I was sat in a therapist room,  15 minutes have past and I have yet not spoken to the man right in front of me, I wasn't. What was I gonna say? Oh yeah, I kill people because some guy hurt me so badly! It's been three days since, we've been home, things have been awkward between Devin and I or maybe I'm making things awkward, ever since we did what we did, I kept my distance, I don't want to talk about it, it was a huge mistake. I shouldn't have done what I did but I can't take it back that's what hurts me the most, I gave myself to Devin, he's my best friend! What was I thinking!? Nothing can ever happen between Devin and me. 

Stupid boy, you should have kept your distance! I told you! Never once did you listen!

 I don't want to talk to him but yesterday he finally said something, as to why I'm here in the first place!


I was in my bedroom, trying on new clothes for work, I return on Saturday, I was happy to get out of this apartment! I needed to get out! Getting on that damn pole made me happy as hell. I smile to myself thinking about Angelo, we've been texting all day catching up.

I look at myself, turning around to see if my ass wasn't completely out which it wasn't, I was pleased with myself. Mr. Davis sent me new black high heels, I tried them on, they were perfect.

I felt confident! I felt pretty.

My door swings open, I turn around quickly, it was Devin

His eyes met mine, I quickly grab my blanket trying to cover myself up

"Devin, what the fuck! Do you not know how to knock" I say annoyingly

"sorry I thought you were in bed," he says

I roll my eyes "what do you want" I snap

"I wanted.. to talk to you," he mutters 

I raise a brow "why did you stop mid-sentence?" I ask

"No I didn't" he retaliates 

"Yes you did, you only do that when you have something bad to tell me," I say

He huffs "ok well I'm just gonna say it"

I was now scared. I know it wasn't going to be good

"So.. I was thinking that maybe you should go see a therapist," he says quickly 

I laugh, actually let out a real laugh, what the fuck was he thinking? I wasn't going to no damn therapist!

"You're cute Devin but I'm good" I say continuing to laugh

"I'm serious Ricky, you need help ever since Las Vegas, I've been worried about you" he says concern in his voice

I huff at how he's treating me! I hate when he treats me like some child! I can take care of myself! I don't need some bull shit therapist getting inside my head. 

"No Devin, I'm not going to see anyone! That's final" stomping my foot 

Devin finally looks at me, anger in his eyes

"Yes, you're fucking going! That's final" he begins to yell 

"Devin I'm not going anywhere! I'm not going to see anyone, I'm fine" I say truthfully

He crosses his arms "you're not fine Ricky, you need professional help, I can't give you that Ricky! I need you to get help! Please go get help! For us, for you!" he points at me 

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