Chapter 15

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Ricky's Pov

I huff flicking through the channels of the tv it was Saturday night which meant doing nothing while Devin goes out, he asked if I wanted to but I rejected politely which I knew bothered him since I live here but I can't help it! Old habits never die I guess..... My thoughts were interrupted with Devin singing so loudly, twirling his little sexy ass to the living room. Black tight dress with some massive black heels his usually look going out on a Saturday night.

"Sexy ass" I smirk, my words cause him to blush

"Thank you," he says in a whisper

"are you sure, you don't wanna come?" he says

I shake my head "yeah I'm sure sorry" I whisper putting my head down in shame

He chuckles sitting on my lap which he does all the time. I don't move just stay still waiting for him to say something but all he does is kiss my cheek once he pulls away, he tilts my head up

"Stop apologizing, it's ok," he says sweetly his breath smells like mint

I blush and nod my head, he gets off of me and looks at himself taking out his phone

"Take some pics of me please" he begs

I chuckle "give me the damn phone"

He smiles handing me the phone, I go to the camera roll and take some pics

"So I was thinking" he begins to speak, oh no

I groan "no don't even start"

"Come on Ricky" he whines like a little child

I roll my eyes "no I don't wanna go"

"Ricky, please! Just think about it! I'm not forcing you but my family really wants you to come along on this family vacation" he says while fixing his eyeshadow

No, going out still scares me, I just never know if.....he's gonna be there and the thought of seeing him anywhere scares me so much. The way he smiled at me or the way he looked at me, made me sick to my stomach. I never wanna see him again but I know one day I will....

"Earth to Ricky," Devin says waving his fingers in front of my face


Devin sighs "just please think about it ok," he says walking out the door leaving me with the evil voice in my head

Oh, Ricky, we come this close to start having fun and you want to ruin it with your pussy behavior! That just won't do!

Shut up! I am not a pussy! I have killed three people! How is that pussy?

Think about it, Ricky! You going on this vacation means more ass holes on the street. Are you really gonna give up this opportunity?

I... don't want too but what if.... What if I see hi-

Oh shut up, he's never gonna find you! Stop being a bitch and go!


I text Devin

I'm going, bitch

I put my phone down but quickly pick it up when I see Devin sent a happy emoji

Remember Ricky Break, Destroy & Kill


Marilyn pov

I was walking out my apartment building heading to the grocery store needing some supplies for my date, I asked out some white girl from work out, she looked a lot like Maria which didn't help me get over her any time soon. A part of me just can't let her go..... I can't. Which sounds crazy I know but once you fall in love with someone it's hard to get over them. I start the engine in my car getting myself out of the parking area. Once I see the closest supermarket, I park my car and head in. Getting some steak and red wine. While picking out the wine. I hear my name

"Agent Manson" I recognized that voice, I turn around looking at Harley Quinn walking towards me

"Hello Ms. Costello," I say politely

She smiles "hey, what a surprise to see you here," she says in the fakest nicest voice she can give me. I know bull shit when I see bull shit.

"Yeah what a surprise" I comment

"Sure is," she says smirking at me

"So Manson. I was thinking" Oh no

"Myself and some workers were thinking about going out later on tonight, do you maybe wanna come?" she asks

"Sorry I have a date tonight," I say proudly. I continue to speak "it was nice to see you but I gotta get going" walking away from this painful conversation

"Maria is going," she says sweetly. I stop dead in my tracks.

I battle with myself "don't turn around don't turn around" I whisper but as soon as I know it. I'm turning around to look at that smug look on her face

"Maria will be there," I asks

"Yeah, of course, she will and from what I recall she wanted me to ask you" that smug look never leaving her face

I have an inner battle with myself

Don't go! It's a trap! You're gonna look stupid tagging along!

"You could say no instead of us just standing here," she says rolling her eyes 

"Yeah I'll go," I say

The biggest grin placed on her face

She squeals "awesome! I'll send you the address of the club" walking away leaving me alone with the regret building up in my stomach...what have I gotten myself into?


(A/N) It's been a while! I have finally returned after a long break and if I'm honest... it's gonna be like that sometimes! I'm a busy bitch but I'm gonna finish this story! Thanks for reading!  

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