Chapter 24

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Marilyn's Pov

I felt a hand against my check, I open my eyes seeing Maria looking at me with pure love in her eyes, I smiled putting my hand on top of hers. 

"Morning," I say to the beautiful women next to me 

She smiles biting on her bottom lip "morning baby"

I smile "oh so we are calling each other that?"

"Yes we are because I wanna make things official between us," she says, her words make my stomach knot, that's all I ever wanted to hear her say since the day I came back. I kiss those lips of hers

"That's all I ever wanted Maria, just you and I together" I mumble against her lips

She hovers over me deepening the kiss. Our tongues fighting for dominance.

"Another round?" she moans


Ricky's Pov

I take my clothes out of the wash, Ben and Danny went out tonight, they invited me but of course, I said no after last night, I wanted to rest. Oh, last night was perfect, Ash had to go, she was in the way of a beautiful romance, I don't care about Marilyn nor Maria but I can't let some whore try to ruin something so pure and romantic. I couldn't stop him from doing what he did...  God, I hate him so much, oh dare he hurt me so badly! There are days where I love him and then there are days where I fucking hate him.


He was on the phone with someone, it was the middle of the night, who was he talking to?

He thought I was sleeping. I kept my eyes closed wanting to hear more of the conversation

"Just give him mi- oh ok well just lay him dow- my fucking god! Stop yelling at me! You called me to help! I'm trying ok!" he yells on the phone 

The other person starts to yell back but I can't hear what they were saying

"Ok I'm sorry, I'll try to get out of here soon ok, don't go crazy, ok bye," he says hanging up the phone, he let's out a deep sigh getting up from the bed.

"Where are you going," I ask, he turns to look at me

"I'll be back ok don't worry about it" giving my lips a peck.

"I love you" I say

"I love you too Ricky," he says leaving the room.

(flashback over)

I laugh "I love you" did he? No he didn't.

Revolution Ricky, you're almost done. You know what's the plan

My heart begins to ache, I don't want to do it but it has to be done. Once this is all over I'll get my life back, the life I was supposed to get. I will get my happy ever after.


I decided to go out just to walk around maybe find myself somewhere to eat, I was hungry. It felt nice today, the sun was out. I breathe in and out, I was relaxed today, I kept myself collected.

"Ricky" I hear someone say

I turn around but no one, what was that?

Calm Ricky keep calm

I turn around, continuing to walk

"Oh Ricky" I hear someone say, I... know...that voice.

Everything begins to stop, no. no. no that can't be. That's not him.

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