Chapter 25

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Vinny's Pov

There I was sitting in my hotel room, laying on the bed, listening to sad music. Why would she say that to me? I was so fucking confused and hurt, all I wanted to do was to love her, treat her the way the way she needed to be treated, I wanted to give her my love but all she did was spit on my face. Crazy of me to fall in love with someone who obviously doesn't feel the same way, I saw myself having a future with this chick, I saw myself spending every morning and every night with her. There were days where she would cry and I would catch her, I told her "do you want to talk about it", she of course always said no but I couldn't leave her alone, so I stayed there while she cried. Feelings for her are strong, she gave no fucks about what people said or think about her, reasons why I even fell in love with her, she walked around this department with her head high, never once giving a fuck. I wonder why she didn't love me or why she didn't want me as her friend, I know she said I was annoying but that can't be right. There's always a reason but at this point of time, it's best if I give up and stop trying, there's no point of me even trying anymore. I decide to go for a jog maybe with this jog, I can get Ash's words out of my head "Marilyn". Hearing his name makes my skin crawl, what did she see in him?! Since when did she even like him!? Maybe she and Marilyn have always had a thing and I was so dumb to not even realize it, she's been seeing him, she told me she was seeing someone... It was him!  How can I be so blind! He took her away.

I put my shoes on, heading out the door, I have no idea where I'm going but fuck it I guess, whatever the wind decides to take me.



I kept on running, my heart was racing, my legs felt numb, I was going to pass out at any moment, fuck this shit! My body wasn't meant for this! I see a bench and decide to sit the fuck down, trying to catch my breath. I was at a park, I look forward and see a little girl staring at something on the slide, I was no creep but I kept on looking at the little girl, she had a blank look on her face, maybe she's lost, I decide to go talk to her to see if she was lost or maybe she was waiting for someone.

"Hey you" I call out, she doesn't look at me

"Are you ok?" I say once I reach her. My eyes land on what she was seeing, all the air leaves my lungs.

"Ash" I gasp

There she was her body laying on the slide, blood everywhere, she was naked, on her stomach was written "whore".

"Oh my god Ash no" I scream.


Marlyn's Pov

Maria was sleeping, I was staring at her beauty, she was beautiful, the way she was sleeping so peacefully, she was mine, all mine. My phone starts to ring but it was best to not answer, I wanted to spend one more day with Maria before we leave, her phone starts to ring

I groan, who the fuck was calling her so damn early, I reach across from her, I see that it was Ryan, why the fuck was he calling her?! Nope not no more, I pick her phone up.

"Hello Ryan," I say sarcastically

"Ash Costello is dead," he says

My eyes go wide "w-what, how"

"The killer got to her, she's died" he explains

"Where are you guys? Where's Vinny" I demand

"Vinny is in shocked, he's not really talking to anyone and we are at the park where her body was found," he says

"where is this park? I'm heading there right now," I say putting boxers and pants on.

Ryan tells me where they were at, I decide to just let Maria sleep, what the fuck was happening? How did the killer get to Ash? Was she part of the revolution? No, she can't be. C, I, H, R, S and now A, Ash was dead, she's gone. Is it my fault? The killer is here in Las Vegas, was he spying on me? Am I next? Is Maria next? This is all becoming all too much. We haven't caught the killer nor have we found evidence. Are we just gonna wait till he kills more or is he done?

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