Chapter 10

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Isabella made plans to meet up with her friend. Seeing as she hasn't seen him or spoken to him in a couple of weeks. They made plans to go out and catch up, she was very happy to see him. They were best friends in high school. He told Isabella to go to his apartment early in the morning so they can go out to get breakfast. Isabella was built with excitement. Today was gonna be a good day, she thought to herself. Oh, so she thought.

Once she enters the building she heads straight to his door, she knocks

"Harrison!" she says but she was meant with no one answering her

She checked her watch, it was 8:00 AM. This was the time Harrison told her to come over.

"Harrison," she says again and knocking.

Isabella touches the knob of the door and it was unlocked

"Harrison," she says again. Something told her that this wasn't gonna be good.

Once she enters, the room filled to her screaming

"Harrison!" she cried out

Harrison nude body was hang up. The fan of the ceiling swirling his dead body.


(Manson pov)

I was eating my breakfast when my phone started to ring.

I pick it up "hello"

"Manson another dead body on Washington ave"

 "I'm on my way"


I enter the apartment building. Once I do I see people trying to look at what was happening. I see the "police line do not cross" and make my way in the room. Showing the police officer my badge. The door was closed so when I open it. My eyes were facing with a nude body hanging from the ceiling.

"Holy shit," I say

Vinny was taking photos while Maria and Ash just stared at the body.

I make my way towards the girls and speak

"So uh this is the body" I saw awkwardly.

"Yep his name is Harrison 24 years old, " Maria says

"So who found him?" I asked

"A friend of his, she said that they were supposed to hang out today," Ash said

I nod my head in understanding

'Look, agent, he has a mark letter on his cheek" Ash pointed out.

I take a look and see an "H" carved on his cheek. Everything about this is odd as fuck.

"So the killer was here last night," I said still staring at the body weirdly

"Do you think the killer lives in this building" Ash questions

"Well looks like we are going to investigate everybody's apartment and ask questions," Maria says

Vinny was smiling the whole time. Damn this boy really does enjoy his life and his job.

Maria smiles and at first, I thought she was smiling at me but no.... She was smiling at some guy who walked in..

"Ryan " she squeals.

I turn around and see this guy walking in, he looked so cocky as if he was so cool. Walking in with sunglasses inside a building! What type of shit is that?

"Maria honey," he says pulling her in a hug. Picking her up. Flames

My stomach was turning but I have to remember that Maria can do as she pleases so I have to push my feelings aside

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