Chapter 22

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Marilyn's Pov

I wake up by a hard knock on the door. I groan not wanting to get up.

"Go away" I shout

"Come on, boss it's me," a female voice said

I recognize that voice, what was she doing here? I get off the bed heading to the door, I open it seeing Ash.

"Hey, " she says

"Um hey" I was only in my boxers, I quickly make a run for some pants, my face turning pink.

Ash chuckles letting herself in, closing the door.

"Don't worry I didn't see anything," she says sitting down on the bed

'What are you doing here so early Costello" I question her, rubbing my eyes, it's too early in the morning to start this shit.

She shrugs "I just came here to see you, Marilyn," she says

"Um please call me Manson, we are heading to a professional event," I say to her sternly.

She laughs "oh Marilyn, you're funny, I'll give you that"

I wasn't having her shit.

"Can you please leave" I beg her

"I saw Maria yesterday with Ryan," she says 

Air stopped, I was going to explode

"W-what do you mean you saw them together" I snap, my fist clenched together

"I saw them together yesterday, I'm guessing you guys haven't spoken to each other, she let him into her hotel room" she explains

What the fuck was she doing with him?! Do my feelings not mean anything to her?! I make love to her back home and she does this shit to me here! In fucking Las Vegas! I was fuming, I wanted to rip Ryan's head off.

Ash gets up putting her arms around me

"She's not worth it Marilyn, she's not worth your time" coming closer to me getting too close, she leans in more to kiss me, I push her back with all my force

"Just because I don't want her anymore, doesn't mean I want you now" I bark making sure I get some sort of reaction from her. I was correct when her face showed hurt but she was quick to recover

"You know what Manson fine! Have it your way, you prick" she storms out of the room, slamming the door shut.

I huff running a hand through my hair. Why? Why does this shit happen to me! I don't fucking get it! Why can't I stay happy or even be happy with someone! All I want is for her to love me, the way I love her, That's why she's ignoring me! That's why because now since she got what she wanted from me, she's now over me! Everything she said to me was a lie. Yes, I did cheat but that was a mistake, a huge mistake, this was my payback. She went to low with this one.

I decide to not sit around and mope the entire day, I'm going to get up and have a good time, we only have two more days to stay here so why not make the best of it? I head to the shower, getting ready for my day. A day of a new start without her


I leave my room making sure to lock it, a guy bumps me

"Sorry" he mutters quickly walking away, he was wearing all black.

I kept on looking at him, I thought I recognized him, he looked familiar

"Marilyn," Vinny says interrupting my thoughts, I turn to see him all  dressed up

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