Chapter 18

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Ricky's Pov

I was washing the dishes, I haven't seen him in two weeks... he's been doing that lately, he isn't coming home.. He told me he has business deals to do but does he really have to be away for that long? I miss him so much, all I wanna do is cuddle him and kiss his adorable face. We've been doing good for the past five months. No hitting or beating, we are doing good! I smile at the thought of him coming home.

I look out the window and see him pull up the drive-through. Finally! My baby was home. I quickly finish the last dish. I wait for him at the front door, yay! I hear him jingling his keys in the doorknob, he opens the door looking exhausted. It looks like he hasn't had any sleep in days.

"Baby" I squeal wrapping my arms around him

He sighs not hugging me back

"Hey" he mutters

I was still holding onto him not wanting to let go any time soon.

"Alright alright let go of me," he says taking my arms off of him,

I pout "aren't you excited to see me?"

He pecks my lips

"Of course I am baby but I'm really stressed and tired, I just need silence and a nap"

He walks away from me, I eye him up and down, I raise my brow

"Baby you have throw up on the back of your shirt" I state

"Huh," he says going to our room and looks at the throw up on the back of his shirt.

"Um it's nothing babe I think it's bird poop," he says not looking at me

"Are you sur-"

"For fuck sakes Ricky! Can you stop nagging me! I said what the fuck I said! Fucking drop it! I came here to get some peace and quiet and you nagging me isn't helping!" he barks at me

I take a step back

"What do you mean you came here to get peace and quiet? Where aren't you getting that at?" I question

He takes a step towards me giving me a hard smack on the cheek

"I told you before to never assume that shit and you never listen" he growls

I raise my hand to cover my now stinging cheek

"I'm gonna go shower, now you're either gonna join me or you're not but you know what will happen if you don't" he states grabbing his towel leaving the room.

Flashback over

My bottom lip starts to tremble, here we go, I let the tears out. I hug the teddy bear that Devin gave me for my birthday. Letting my tears out, I can't get him out of my head. Every couple fought like that I assume 

Oh yeah, every couple fought the way you and him did right Ricky? It was right of him to hit you! To make you feel worthless right?

"Shut up, you have no idea what you're talking about" I grip the bear

You said it yourself! You said that was love that's love for you! Every couple beat their significant other, right?

"How dare you speak of him like that? How can you say that" I begin to cry more

Ricky come clean and all of this will end ok! You can be at rest.

The other voice begins to speak

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