Chapter 13

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I breathed in, hoping it wasn't what I thought happening.

"Y/N, I know you're in here. Your boyfriend can't protect you now." Jungkook said, walking into the closet. I closed the door before he could see it, but he heard the shuffling. I could speak safely, because you couldn't tell where my voie was coming from from the echoey walls of the closet.

"Jungkook what did you do?" I asked quietly, but loud eniugh so he could hear.

"Hello, Y/N! Why don't you tell me where you're at and I can show you-"

"I'm not an idiot, Jungkook. What did you do to Yoongi?"

Jungkook was quiet for a little. "Hm, he might be dead. Probably." I heard a shuffle and a quiet groan, so quiet you had to strain your ears to hear it. "Hmmm... Not completely dead. Yet." Jungkook must have kicked Yoongi. I could hear it, but I can't describe it properly. Yoongi exclaimed a strained gasp for air, and I winced. "Y/N, you'd better come out here, unless you really want him to die?"

"Kitty-" Yoongi mustered.

"Shut up." Jungkook said, cutting him off.

"C-Can't he take care of himself?" I asked, hoping everything wasn't too bad.

"Not in this condition. I think I shot him in the ribs and lungs."

"Kitten, don't come out.." Yoongi said quietly, but I ignored him and kicked open the door, which he shut pretty tight. I almost fell out onto Jungkook's feet. I looked up at him, and he smiled.

"Good girl." He said, pulling me up and grabbing my arm. I struggled to break free and he let me - I ran over to Yoongi, kneeling above him.

Yoongi was wincing and barely conscious. I only got to brush his bangs out of his face before Jungkook pulled me up once again, Yoongi watching me. Then he lost consciousness and fell asleep. I screamed, but Jungkook covered my mouth with is hand.

Later in the day, I woke up in a room, of course eerie and dark like in the movies. I was tied up so tightly that it hurt, and I was properly gagged. I tried looking around, but a chain and collar around my neck prevented me from doing so.

A freaking collar!!

I muttered something which was supposed to be, "I'm not a stupid dog."

Then in the distance, I heard a low voice saying, "Is she awake?" I immediately recognized it as Taehyung's. Sadness and anger filled me to the brim.

"Yes, sir." The person outside said. Probably the guard. Taehyung stepped inside, and I slumped on the chair I was in.

"Hey, Y/N..." He said, looking away. My eyebrows arched inwards a bit.

"Sorry, I can't let you go this time." He said, pulling over a chair I didn't see from the darkness, but taking out the bundled up ribbon in my mouth, putting it in his pocket, and brushing his finger accross my lip before sitting down. I rolled my eyes.

"I d-don't love you, Taehyung."

"Well hello to you to, darling." He said, returning the eye roll. He hung the sniper he was holding on the back rest of the chair. "Did you have a nice nap?"

"It felt like sleeping on nails." I deadpanned. "Best nap ever." He chuckled. After a few moments of silence, I started, "Whe-"

"Yoongi's dead. Or, that's what I was told." He looked down.

A single tear fell down my cheek involuntarily. Taehyung wiped away the tear.

"The hickey's fading." He said, making me feel SO MUCH BETTER. But apparently, it only faded in color - it was still there.

Afer a few minutes, my neck started to hurt because of the collar, and my back was in an unhealthy position. Taehyung noticed and took off the collar, stifiling a laugh. "Jimin said to put that on you. Honestly, I can see why." I just looked down.

"Anyway, I'm gonna go. I was sort of hoping for an apology," I glared at him, "but apparently you won't give me one, so, I'm gonna leave now..." He got up, took his sniper, and left. I put my legs up on the chair for SOME comfort.

Then Namjoon entered, and I put my feet down.

Namjoon gave me a mock salute, pulled the chair back, and sat on it.

"Let me go."

"And why would I do that?"

I paused. "Worth a shot."

"You are?" he said, raising his eyebrow. I rolled my eyes.

"Is... Is he dead?"

"Why would i tell you?"

"For comfort or discomfort. Wouldn't you like to see my cry?"

"I'll see you cry when I kill you, princess."

"But it will be like torture almost. And a burden of your back if you tell me."

Namjoon looked around. "No. He's not dead. But I told Taehyung and Jin that he is." A sigh of relief escaped from my lips, but Namjoon said, "No guarantees he'll live - We might kill him, he might kill himself, or he'll die naturally."

"Where is he?"

"The room to your right." I looked to the right and saw a translucent wall, behind it dark as pitch. "He's tied up like you. Asleep. Any more questions, princess?"

I shook my head. He winked and left the room, locking the door behind him.

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