Chapter 6

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At school the next morning, Yoongi barely looked at me, and I barely looked at him. I guess we were nervous about the upcoming event, now taking place next Wednesday. It was Friday, today. I had evening classes on the weekends, so I arranged time with V on those days, and Yoongi can do whatever he wants with me weekdays, except Wednesday. And that's why I'm also pissed.

And of course, the event that happened yesterday...

"There's your answer. Are you happy now, kitty?"

After that he had went to his room, and I was left alone, so I went back to the dorm.

But I did notice today there were dark circles under Yoongi's eyes partially covered in concealer. I remember in the morning when I noticed that by studying his face, he looked up at me. I had a sort of break down, but it was minor.  My guess was that he was up thinking or studying or something...

Last night, Yoongi's POV**

I made a mistake.

I made a huuuge mistake and I knew it. Not to mention her brother is a fucking cop. Oh, she didn't mention? He never and she never sees each other often. I see him more than she sees him.

This was bad and I couldn't take it back.

It was 1:00 AM. How long have I been like this??

I went back to thinking.

Not to fucking mention, no doubt the Gucci nitwit has a huuuge crush on her. They were already best friends, and I noticed she was often wearing his clothes.

She honestly looked sort of cute........

I can't think like this if I'm going to KILL HIM. I made the decision, meaning I have to do it. How the fuck is this all going to work??

At 3:00 AM I went to sleep, dreaming no dreams...

Present, Y/N POV

"Miss Y/L/N, are you paying attention?" The teacher scolded. Ugh why couldn't she have scolded Yoongi? He wasn't...... He wasn't here.

I tried to redirect my attention to class, but thinking about what happened around me while I thought. I remember I hear shuffling behind me, Yoongi looking at me every once in a while... People asking to use the restroom. 

Oh my God.

"Miss Lee, may I use the restroom?"

"You may when they come back, Y/N."

"It's- It's an emergency." A few people behind me snickered, but it was a risk worth taking.

The teacher sighed. "Fine, but no one else had better use the restroom until they come back."

I exited nonchalantly, but then darted around almost every corner searching for Namjoon, Hoseok, and Yoongi. Then I felt a yank on  my upper arm. It hurt very bad. I turned around to see Namjoon, Hoseok, Jimin, and Jungkook. I stifled a groan with a swallow.

"What... do you want?" I stuttered. After a few moments, I said, "Where's Yoongi? W-where's Taehyung?"

A few of the boys laughed quietly, and Namjoon said. "Well of course, Yoongi still has to execute Taehyung, so... I'd guess he's with V."

"No way."

"Yes way."

"Truthfully, I can't say if he's there to kill him, or trapped with him, but I can say, truthfully, you'll have to be executed too." Namjoon smiled. Although it wasn't very menacing, the color drained from my face. It had only been a couple of minutes, and I was in this shitty mess.

Namjoon handed me over to Jungkook and Jimin, and they took me to one of the custodian closets.

I could barely think. I was so disoriented. I had to focus for a few minutes about what was going on.

Apparently they tied me up and TRIED to gag me, but I just spit out a soap flavored rag. I had to get out. I looked around me. Nothing much. but I did find a few school suppllies along with a scissor, but it was out of reach. I stumbled over a few inches, but the pain all over rt so much I couldn't move farther.

After a while of thinking, I fell over on the cabinets, making it vibrate. I did it over and over until the scissor fell off, and I caught it in my hand. I swung it a bit and cut the rope, also managing to cut myself in the wrist in multiple places.

I tried the door, but it was locked. From the outside. Why is that even possible in a JANITORS CLOSET?

Then I remembered the bobby pin in my hair, and tried picking the lock. It wasn't easy as it seemed, and my wrists were bleeding pretty badly now. By the time I heard the click, it had been thirty minutes since I left class. I couldn't rat them out, because Yoongi would be in trouble. And-

Why did I care about him?

He's trying to kill Taehyung, my best friend.

I put it off to the side with hard mental work, and opened the door. I went around searching for Taehyung and Yoongi.

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