Chapter 12

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"You know you can't go back for him, kitty." Yoongi looked sort of angered.

"Where am I to stay now?"

"You could... Stay with me..." He suggested stopping in front of his dorm room entrance.

"That's fine with me... But if Bangtan comes, I need a place to hide, or something."

Yoongi nodded. "I'm fairly certain the tunnel you found in your dorm is in mine, too." He went to hus closet after locking the door as well as the additional two locks. There was one, but I suggested we look elsewhere, because Jin of course knew about the tunnels.

We found a small but big enough spacs behind the mini fridge, which literally no one used and barely knew about. It fitted two people, but it was snug with Yoongi hiding with me, if it needed to happen.

I sat on the futon once again, contemplating and organizing what had happened over the past... 78 hours. I felt Yoongi sitting beside me, leaning on me.

"I don't feel like chatting, Min Yoongi."

He ignored that comment. "You really had feelings for him..."

I sighed. "Yoongi..." I leaned on him as well. He picked up my hand and put it on his head. I played with his soft faded blonde hair with some mint coloring. I kissed his head.

"I.. love you, kitty....." He said as we drifted off to sleep...

Taehyung's POV**

I supported my weight on the sink, thinking about Y/N.

Y/N, Y/N, Y/N... What will I do with you?

I gathered my weapons and stepped outside.

Except, Jin grabbed my collar and pushed me against the lockers.

"Where is she? Is she dead, yet?" He asked harshly in the emoty hallway. I couldn't speak for he was choking me, so I just shook my head vigorously. He dropped me and cursed. "What is that on your lip, jackass?" I ignored them. I recovered quickly, gazing at Jin then at ajungkook, who accompanied him. Then I exited quickly, heading towards the dorm. 

As I suspected, Y/N wasn't there. I didn't very much want to see her anyway. I changed clothes quickly and checked my face on the mirror. My lip had a small hickey on it. I groaned and slouched on the bed.


I woke up, my back in a bad position, Yoongi's head nestled against my neck. I tried to get up.

"Mm, kitty..." He groaned, grabbing my shoulder and pulling me back down. I scoffed, he sighed happily. I rustled his hair, and his head pushed harder on my neck, causing me to almost fall off. 

He breathed in my neck, and I flinched. He felt it, and he did it again. I smacked him this time. He caught my hand. I hugged his arm.

"Aw, kitty, how cute~"

I rolled my eyes again. "Yoongi, we're both their enemies now, aren't we?"

"Eh, they could hate me more."

I sighed sadly.

"Kitty," He said, clutching my hands, "we'll, find a way out of this shitty mess."

I nodded. "It's not time to cry, just yet." He added.

"Kitty, go to my bedroom, real quick." Without hesitation, I went to his bedroom, and I turn around to see him open the window and take something out of his jacket pocket.

I sat on the bed looking around. It looked like any other dorm, except it seemed gloomier.


He came back in a few minutes later, and I stood up. "What's going on?"

"I saw Jungkook, Jin, and Taehyung. They're uh, looking for you. To kill you. And me." He said nonchalantly. I made a face and he smirked.

"Y/N, people are going to die." He said, frowning.

"L-let's just hope it's not us. In the meantime, I think we should find Haeil. (A/N, so idk if its Haeil or Taeil, so its Haeil now. XD)

"Lee Haeil? Why? Isn't he dead?"

"What? Really?"

"Yeah, just yesterday..." I cut him off with a groan.

"Taehyung?" He asked.

"Taehyung." I answered.

"Damn..." He said to himself.

We heard a knock on the door. Yoongi jogged over to where the door was, and he jogged back to the room. "It's Jungkook. Time to hide, kitty."

I quickly went to the closet and opened the little nook. I crawled inside, followed by Yoongi. We couldn't risk going to the main room, because of Jungkook. Plus he probably didn't know about the little cranny in the wall.

I heard the door open a few minutes later, footsteps walking around in the next room. They stopped and I heard something fall. I cringed. The footsteps continued to the bedroom. We heard the closet door open, and a chuckle from outside.

"Min Suga~~" Jungkook said quietly. We heard the rustle of clothes. He was nearing the back of the closet. I felt Yoongi grab my left hand. "Y/N, where are you?"

I was finally aware of my position in the nook, me sitting uncomfortably on my knees all the way to the back. It was a minute space, so Yoongi was sort of sitting on my lap, his body tilted to the right. It must have been uncomfortable grabbing my hand. I back hugged him, making him let go of my hand. Everything was silent. Then we heard footsteps leaving the room, and the door shutting. After a few minutes of silence, Yoongi held up a hand to make me stay, and he stepped out.

Then I heard gunshots.

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