Chapter 3

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"Yoongi..." You started shyly.

"Suga." He said, smirking. You rolled your eyes and collapsed on the bed again. He snickered. Or.. giggled?

You lolled you head over to face him. You would rather not be able to breathe that well than face him. It felt uncomfortable. 

"Why are you here?" You said, muffled again.

"To see you, duh. Or did you just glance at my texts?"

You groaned and sat up. You met his gaze hesitantly. "Why- Why would you want to see me? I'm.. Nobody."


"Hm. You seem, interesting, at least." I could have sworn I saw an... iniquitous gleam in his eye.

"Me?" I scoffed at the thought. I looked down.

"Geez, kitty." He slumped next to me. Or, as far away but not off the bed.

Your thoughts wandered of to your past... It was only four years ago that your father had committed suicide, and you can't forget the look on his face when he looked at your for the last time. 

Your mother died shortly after from heartbreak, and you can't believe you've managed this much.

Your thoughts wander back to the time and place where the suicide happened. You felt your face turn hot in some places, but you ignored it. 

A few agonizing minutes kater, I heard, "Kitty? Kitten!" I looked up and saw Yoongi staring at me, a frown on his face. A disapproving frown afterwards. I then realized I was crying.

Dammit, Y/N! You're crying in front of Min Yoongi!

"S-sorry. Just a little... Nostalgia.." I half joked.

"Hah yeah get it alll the time." He muttered.

"Don't you have fucking friends to hang out with? Plus Tae's coming back in..." I checked my watch. "About fifteen minutes."

He scoffed, "V? That nitwit's your roomie? Damn I feel bad for you." He said a bit mockingly.

After like one minute, he got up and said, "Weeeeell I got plans with Jimin and Joonie. See you soon, kitten."

It was either my mind or he bit his lower lip when he turned around. AND he emphasized the word kitten. What a dickhead.

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