chapter 23-what made you realise

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"whar the he-" I dont even finish my sentence. well I cant finish my sentence. im just shocked and confused. the tall gaurd wasnt a tall gaurd. it was in fact harry.

"youre alright?" he asks leaning forword red ting his elbows on his knees.

"seriously?" I flop back wards "thats all you have to say?"

"what do you want me to say Callaway?  huh?  I fucked up I get it. but I dont see one other person here to make sure youre okay. and dont act like everybody doesnt know. its all over the news and twitter and god its just everywhere." he sighs. "im sorry I didnt beleive you."

"what made you realise I was right?"

"the fact when you were drunk, like seriously drunk and I tried to get you out of there you fought me off screaming you had a boyfriend..." I sit up again, more gingerly this time, and see that harry is smirking. and by the way hes blushing that wasnt all..

"i-i did. what else did I say?"

"you dont want to know.."

"Harry!" I crawl over to the end of the bed and stare at him "please..."

"you said..." he shakes his head laughing and looks at his feet, "that even though I fucked up you still loved me and i was your favorite person to 'do the dirty' with."

oh my god. oh my god. "you arnt serious..."

he nods his head. "fans are making drunk cal accounts. its really funny. I even follow some of them." he sighs then the smile disappearing from his face.

"whats wrong." I ask worried of the answer I might get.

"we leave sunday"he says "thats in two days."

my stomach drops and I feel sick. how the hell are they already going back to london. they just got here.

"so what now?" I ask the obvious question and I study his face and the answer is obvious.

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