chapter 19-old married couple

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my eyes are bloodshot and swollen. this is Hell. I can even see straight, BecAuse the tears are blurring things up. ontop of it, my head is pounding like a bad dubstep song.

im alone. in this wierd apartment. my mom cheated on dad. my dad lives in Detroit. and I have no friends besides Harry, who left. he left me based on lies and a dumb fan who just happened to stalk me. ugh. I slam my face into the orange pillow that was gicen to me.. by... im guessing harry.. or whoever furnished this place for me. im alone. completley, and utterly alone. so I turn on my biggest enemy. tmz.

"breaking news." the guy with the dreads booms, "its, well, it seems theres trouble In paradise with the British royals. or well, Harry Styles and girlfriend, Callaway. we have footage you dont want to miss from two nights ago here in l.a."

the footage plays. ive seen pictures but videos... videos are different. harry is running, tears brimming his eyes, me histsrical chasing behind him. why the hell is this entertainment?

a knock at my door nearly sends me jumping through the cieling, "holy shit..." I turn off the tv then look through the peep hole. its the back. of a guy. messy hair. short. jean jacket and dirty vans.


"what the hell do you want?" I shout but it comes muffled because my face is smashed up against the door watching him as he turns to the door, hands in pockets.

"uhm, id like to talk to you."

"come to give me a damn lecture?"

"you never used to swear kid..."

I sing open the door and wipe my eyes, "sorry my life isnt going super well right now."

"can i-" he sighs, frustrated "can I please just come in?"

despite my better judgment I step aside letting louis in.

"hes beside himself."he admits opening my fridge and taking out a beer then leans against the counter. "hes locked himself into his bedroom, and he looks like shit any time he leaves to go to the bathroom."

"ot was his choice."

"well youre to blaim too!"

i throw my hands up, "are you serious? its my fault a crazy fan follows me to the airport and suddenlu its my falt harry dumped me and left?!"

"he-he dumped you...?"

"hell yeah he did. infront of all the damn paps too."

"so that news article.... isnt true?"

"God louis... im not a slut... of course its not true! "

he sits on the couch asif hes debating lifes problems. "well..."

"why exactly did you come here? " I question, trying to keep some level of cool, with my arms crossed, right hip popping.

"i-i dont know to be honest. maybe to just.." he shrugs and leaves back staring at the cieling, his voice quiet, "just to make sure you were okay?"

"why do you care? You hate me."

"I deffinatly dont hate you. I was just jealous. harry always talked about you and you seemed to be a better best friend to him than I ever could be."

"we argued like crazy..."

'you argued like an old married couple."

Neon. (Harry Styles)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora