chapter 17- valet

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Harry is meeting me by the luggage, sunglasses and a beanie.

"you alright?" he asks as he hands wrap around my waist and pull me into a kiss.

"yeah." I giggle as he bites my ear." get off. not here please."

"wheres your new boyfriend?"he snears grabbing my bag off the conveyor belt.

"very funny."

"oh.. so you did meet up?"

"you can seriousl-"

"you two. please. no arguing in public. please." judy snaps walking up with a few gaurds. she is one person I dont miss.

caleb met me st the airport thanks to my dad putting it on his own twitter which has accumulated tons of followers as well. he held my bags despite my protest. he was drooling and I was uncomftable.

we found you a apartment a two minute walk from the boys house. you are ready to move in today. your dad agreed to pay for it." judy says smiling for the first

"my-my dad? I was just with him, he said nothing about it."

"well him and harry are splitting the rent for you. I think youll enjoy it."

why would my dad not say anything about it? I mean I would have liked to thank him in person.


we pull up to a seriously high end apartment complex with a valet by men in suits. "good evening." the man says opening my door and lending me a hand to get out. red carpet lines all the way to the front desk, and the bellhop is quick to take my bags from security and we are guided up the elevator to room 845. one of 4 apartments on the 8th floor. it was beyond imahination.

Gorgeous hard wood floor and marble counter tops. its huge, with 3 bed rooms and a balconie over looking the city.

"harry. I cant except this."

"dont worry about it. the managment wanted good publicity by having you here so the dropped the rent dramatically." judy answers for him crossing her arms very satisfied.

"thank you I squeak and wrap my arms around his neck amd he picks me up.

"okay." judy snaps, "were leaving. harry be at the house by 8 am tomorrow."

"deal." he whispers, keeping his deep eyes locked on mine and the moment they closed the door behind them, harry carried me to the kitchen counter and sat me down. "im sorry for being a -"

"dick?" I finish for him.

he laughs, "yeah. that"

I pull him back into the kiss and then harry is ontop of me on the counter, kissing my neck and collar bones.

"Wait!" a voice yells from the bedroom which makes me nearly piss myself. "we-we were planning something and werent expecting this..." niall comes out of the bedroom, and harry helps me off the counter.

"whos we?"

"come on out guys!" niall shouts into the bedroom, and then a massive group of like 40 people pile out and into the living room. little mix, the 5 seconds of winter or whatever boys, matty healy, and like a million other celebrities. rhey are all standing in my empty apartment.

"suprise horny harry!" matty shouts gleefuly, tipping back his bottle of wine.

"oh God..." harry groans picking me up off the counter. "we'll finish later?"

"sure thing."

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