chapter 12- one bed

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I dont know where we are when I wake up but all I know is harry is driving and I had been crying. alot. my eyes puffy and red, my throat sore.

then it all comes tumbling back down on me. the cop, my suit case in the back seat, harry showing up and willing to take me anywhere. so I said vegas.

the hotels are cheep, the liquor.. even cheaper. ever since being a little girl ive wanted to go and I guess this was my chance.

"good morning sunshine." harry laughs,  and rubs my hair messily. "well be there in about an hour. almost there."

its 11 pm and we have the whole night ahead of us. I sit up, scratch my head and peer out the window at the shadows flying by, no chane to reconigze anything besides other cars occasionally. 

"whats the plan once we get there?" harry asks with a hint of tease in his voice.

"well the legal age to get into the casino is 21. so we are good there. so lets just go and get wasted and find some cheep motel and crash." I say and he laughs. "I call dibs on the bed."

"Cal.. I can afford a hotel room with two beds. dont worry."

and thats what we do. we arrive in vegas and imidiatly find a little shop down the street from a massive casino.

"I need two things." I state and I pull harry into the shop. it has everything from elegant long dresses to spiked bras and jock straps.

"where the Hell am I?" harry whispers to me picking up a jock strap of a rack that has rainbow studs on it.

"youre the one whos been to Vegas before" I point out and he nods .

"wait here." I say and push him towards the leather couches that face to dressing rooms, and grab a little black dress off the rack, and a pair of sleek pointed pumps. I slip them on and luckily my hair is still seriously curly from earlier so I just take out the poney tail and run my fingers through it. my hips are wide, by my waist seems absolutley tiny in this number. and I love it. I slip on the shoes and I go out to harry whos nose is burried in his phone.

"ahem.." I clear my throat and rest  my hands on my hips and whrn he looks up im pretty sure I picked the right dress. harrys face lights up and then leans forwords on his knees.

"and you said you cant handle this life. but looking like that...." he shakes his head in amazement, "damn..."

"lets just check out and get out." I mumble embarresed.but this is going to be a great night.

the casino is beautiful, high end and the way people are dressed shows.. im so glad I got changed. its one in the morning and im with harry at a casino 4 hours from home.

"lets go." he whispers into my ear, his lips brushing my ear and sends chills down my back. the club seems so long ago now.

I stride along harry our hands clasped together and considering the higher end enviorment and alot of people are already wasted, so we are getting some head turns and a few pictures as we pass but thank god for no 13 yearold girls screaming.

"follow me." I say and drag harry behind me to the bar. im not a drinker but im desperate for something. anything.

"she needs something..." harry glances at me in amusment, "strong."

the bar tender laughs understandingly and gives harry and I  both a short glass filled with something thats defiantly not water. and I done mine as if it were.

"another?" harry asks me and before I even say yes another two glasses are sat infront of us. and I take mime down again. a buz shoots through my limbs and I feel awake. I feelblike nothing can stop me now. and I wont let it.

"come on..." harry takes my hand after paying the man and we jet off around the casino, with no actual gambling happening, harrys buzz shows too. as we grab drinks off of the trays being carried around we become more and more confused and happy.  looking around wildly and once in awhile running and hiding.

"harry?" I shout but no one looks.  I look down a hallway, "harr-"

"got you." he jokes and pushes me up against the nearest wall his lips smashing into mine with agressive force. they travel down to my chin and along my jaw, sending my buzz through the roof, then he trails kisses down my neck

"harry.." I gasp, "lets get a room."

"okay..." he pulls away but his face hovors only an inch from mine and though we stand down a dark hallway, his eyes peirce at me.

"with one bed."

the room is massive with extra rooms, and my shoes are off before the door even shuts behind us.

"let me help." harry says with a smirk, pushing my against the door and then neals down. he rips my shoes off and then his hand travel up my dress. my hands snake through his hair encouraging him. warmth. everywhere.

"are we going to do this?" he whispers peering up at me through the dark, eyes pelading but dominate.

I reach down and begin to unbutton his shirt and he stands as I do so. his so sexy.

"as long as you promise to call.." I joke and he laughs, pinning me against the wall one hand next to my head and the other reaching around my back unzipping my dress while I finish  undoing his shirt, revealing his numerous tattoos. and my dress slips to the groud revealing my pale skin.

"a butterfly?" I ask tracing it with my fingers.

"I told you , you will always be my buterfly." he whispers and tilts my chin up to kiss me again, but this time alot softer.

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