chapter 15-Detroit

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thebplane leaves in an hour, and I will land in detroit about 8pm there time. and honestly I only called my dad this morning to tell him I was coming. he was bit hesits nt but I told him what has happened In the last few days leaving out... "unaproproate" details.

"are you sure?  you dont have to go." harry warns me again heaving my suitcase out and the gaurds give him the eye. (too much strain would be bad especially if he tore and pulled something in his back)

"harry. please. will you let me do this?"

he lets out an annoyed sigh. "fine. whatever."

we walk silently next to eachother all the way to the front doors where I have to check in and check my bag. tha gaurds tense, waiting for mobs to appear. but luckily the other boys in the band have other outings so only a couple girls are waiting outside.

"ill call you when I land."


"fine." I walk away and the gaurds wait for a moment confused on who to follow. they soon decide to shadow harry as he quitely walks out. not looking back at all.

one gaurd, mike, stays with me at harrys request.


the flight is long and terribly boring. farm land, and more farm land. then a layover in chicago presented trouble. mike and I went and found food and a few girls about 17 waiting in line infront of us whispering and taking non discreet pictures of me while i order just a few different thinks for mike and I. usually i would offer a picture. but in reality I just want to eat and sleep even for only 30 minutes until we land in Detroit.

my dad is waiting at the airport by the luggage claim his graying hair wet from the rain and his tshirt the same.

"hi sweetie." he smiled wrapping me into a big hug, he smells like cologne and rain.

"hi dad. how are you?"

"ive been okay. sounds like you have had a crazy few days." he says but I cant help but notice his stair at mike. this 6'4 burly man with zero hair. anywhere.

"yeah. thats a long story. uhm, dad this is mike, mike, my dad. mike is just, ya know, watching out for me while im out here."

my dad slowly nods his head and shakes mikes hand. "nice to meet ya."

i take a moment to call harry. no answer. and throught the night. he doesnt answer any of my 5 calls.


we go out for drinks and I got stopped outside by a few girls and got a picture with them and then more swarmed but mike told them I was on a schedule (which I wasnt) and got me out of a probably 1 hour photo shoot. so I was grateful, but yet I fely terrible about leabing them out, so despite mikes protest I got a group picture with them before heading back to where my dad has been staying. a small apartment about 25 minutes north of Detroit. right by alot of popular venus, some of which the boys always seem to tell story's from.

my dad has a great job and luckily most of is controlled online and by phone, so he can live here in michigan by some of his family.

"You're mom has pleanty of money coming in from her newest book and working at that university there on l.a so we have split bank accounts and we are both currently supporting our selves." my dad says amongst the small talk.

I throw back what was sent to me by a guy down the bar a ways. gin. it burned. my mouth my throat and for a minute im positive it was actually rubbing alcohol...

"taking shots with you dad. interesting." mike jokes surveying the area.

"how long has this been a thing? like the divorce?"I ask and honestly I dont think I want to know the answer.

"when your mom got offered the new book deal in l.a. she didnt want me to move out with you guys."

how blind have I been? this has been going on for months and months and I havent even been around enough to notice. of course my dad is never home. hes been living here and only coming to get his stuff.

"im sorry." I say because what else is there to say? 'hey sorry my mom is a bitch and tore our family apart.' despite the fact that it is true. my dad doesnt seem to be in the mood to here that.

we finally pay and head home. well sorta. my dads apartment and the moment he opens the door I rethink how my dad may be feeling. its absolutley beautiful. a bunch of newer furniture,  with nice leather couches and glass kitchen table.

I look at my dad with a laugh. "quite the bachelor pad you got here huh?"

"the buisness has been really taken off."

buisness. he designs apparel for professional sports teams. which once in awhile he flies to new york, or even l.a and living in England just wasnt cutting it anymore. well atleast thats what I was told...

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