Chapter 6- confirming some stuff

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"what in the world is going on?" my mom asks once the the group all finally left. but i cant quite answer, in all honesty i have no idea what is going on. the band is mad. which made harry mad. but he must be hiding somethign if hes mad.. right?

"i have no idea."

"i think maybe..." she sighs. "you should call him. just to try to understand what is happening. alot has been going on in the last week and-"

"hold that thought." i say quickly, my phone buzzing in my pocket.

"hello? callaway?" an irish accent chirps on the other side.


"oh great, okay uhm come over to the house tonight at around 8."

"wait, why?"

"okay, cool see ya then,"

then the other line goes fuzzy. seriuosly? i take a deep breath and sit at the counter across from my mom who is leaning against the sink, her coffee cup back into her hand.


"i have no idea."


i slip into a pair of jeans, and an oversized sweater i bought years ago on our family holiday to New York. its a cream color and has a little american flag on the tag. I havent heard from Harry since he left, and niall hasnt responded to my text about trying to figure out whats going on tonight. The boys house is about 5 minutes from mine, and even though its so short, id rather just call a cab to drop me off and nag one of the boys to drive me back as long as their sobber. and from memory,i know these boys love their beer.

i get dropped off and i slip the cab driver the money and im met by niall on the front walk.

"hello love."

"hey Ni, whats the plan? wheres harry?"

"oh." he shrugs letting me follow him into the house. "harry is at the studio. but the boys and i wanted to chat with you!"

"am i in trouble?" i say sarcastically

"not you...Its Harry we are a bit confused about."

why do they think that id be able to desipher harry's wierd behaivor. hes harry. that enough explains his wierd antics. always digging himself into trouble.

inside louis and zayn are laughing and acting out some fan story, and liam lays on the couch on his phone, beer in hand.

"want anyting to drink?" niall asks

"uhm. a beer sounds good."

i sit next to liam who is smiling big, "hey cal, how are ya doing?" he reaches over giving me a hug and holds on for a moment past awkward. "ive missed you."

yup. hes drunk.

"Liam, Mate. shes harrys back off there!" louis shouts sitting down on my other side but reaches over punching liam in the leg making him whine. hes a lovey dovey dtunk. and a whiner. lovely. "So.. the famous Callaway"

"what do you mean 'famous'" i ask scotting a little closer to liam who i frankly feel a little safer around."

"harry talks about you , all. the. time. it actually has gotten a bit unbearable, then once you two are back talking again. hes become a bit happier, yet a little more, more secretive. when it comes to harrys previos relationships. he tells us everything."

"listen," i sigh and imidiatly they all grow very confused, "Harry and I arnt dating. we have been friends since diapers, and we have clearly proven that we dont get along that well. every time sometthing goes well, we, well rather he messes it up."

"well damn. dont sugar coat it."

"oh dont you start with me..." i snap back to louis who is rolling his eyes now. i get along with the other boys int he band. liam and i like to drink together. niall and i cause problems, and with Zayn, well zayn and i tend to have deep conversation, and even art nights where we will just doodle for ages. then you have louis. smart-ass, and some one who frankly i am to much alike to actually have a civil conversation with, before gettin into an argument will start.

"whats going on?"

Harry. Hes now standing in the door way, hanging his keys on the hook and sliping off his shoes. those terrible brown boots that im pretty sure he has grown a mental attachment to.

"Good question." i respond. nows where i would make my exit, but me being the lazy idiot i am, i called a cab. so im stuck until i get someone to drive me home.

"We were just checking in on you mate." Louis says calmy standing now, cracking open another beer.

"whats giong on?" harry asks again more stern, eying lou and becomes a bit cautious. i feel like im in the center of this. my and harry. then harry and his best friend who isnt my biggest fan.

"YOur girlfriend here is just confirming stuff." Louis' words all come out like an insult, a flat expression painted on his face and the smell of alcohol on his breath becomes stronger. he snears at me as he speaks as if hes ratting me out.

"i need a ride home.." i say quickly before this can get anyworse.

"ill take you.." harry takes my hand protecctivly still eyeing louis.

"dont bang her and ditch her again! or was that another girl?" Lou shouts and before i can even comprehend the situation, harrys fist flies and nails louis in cheek.

holy shit.

"harry!" Zayn shouts and is quick to hold him back while liam and niall hold louis.

Louis smirks, his cheek quickly swelling, "what you cant handle it?"

"Fuck off." Harry snaps and storms out the door and i quickly follow in behind.

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