chapter 3-wink

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  I quickly shove the condoms into my purse before harry has time to relaize whats going on.

"im glad you agreed to come out with me." he says backing out of my drive way and we drive down town.

"you didnt really make it an option..." I point out but I cant help but laugh. its how weve always been. not making anything an option. I needed a dress for my aunts wedding when we were 17, I made him drive me and get his opinion on every dress I tried on.

"you still came."

"so where are we going?"

"erm.." he pulls up to the stop light and shrugs."you'll see."

staring over at him brings a flood of emotions back. all those late nights around london and home. him driving, me singing out the window. "I really miss you." I whisper and he looks over at me, smiling ear to ear.

"I missed you too."

the parking lot is busy. different people walking about, strolling in and out some already drunk and its only 730.

"oh.  paps will be here." he mumbles pulling upbto valet. I actually have to think about this for a minute. its wierd that he is constantly followed by paparazzi and I guess it didnt occur to me  until we are out of the car and we are imidiatly swarmed. flashes everywhere.

he walks ahead, hands in those skin tight pockets and I cant help but stare....

"my arse got your attention?" he laughs turning on his heals.

"wh-what?" my eyes bolt up to his and hes laughing. shit. i can feel my face blush. 

"come on.." he takes my hand and we trapse through the paps and make our way to the special table in the back of this restraunt. I expected them to be louder but I guess they are all confused to why im with harry, or maybe who the hell I am.

"that.. that was wierd." I admit letting harry pull my chair out for me.

"you get used to it..." he sighs and laughs sitting down across from me, his eyes staying locked on mine. such a familiar gaze that I got to know so well. a gaze ive missed so much.

"good evening mr.styles, and erm.." th e waitor gestures to me waiting for a name. any name really.

"Callaway." harry chirps, "my girlfriend. callaway."

my jaw nearly hits the table and harry motion for me to close it. oh my god. he just refered to me as his girlfriend.....

"well good evening to you both. youre meal is all planned and the Champaign will be out in only moments." the older man nods and winks at me before leaving us again.

I slam my foot into harrys shin and he groans loudly. "shit cal."

"girlfriend? really harry?"

"relax..."hes amused now. laughing and unfolding the napkin onto his lap.

this restraunt is quiet. no annoying little families scattered around. and the dim light really setting a mood.

"this would be awfully romantic if my shin wasnt throbbing." he snaps as a waitor pours us two glasses from some expensive looking bottle.

"oh suck it up."

"excuse me!" harry shouts after the waitor "would you mind taking our picture?"

the young man agrees taking harrys phone carefully. hes cute. probably mid twentys, Italian but crazy blue eyes.

"come on love." harry hops up and pulls me up next to him, holding me tight around my waist,  his glass of Champaign still in the other.

"th owner says you two are together?" the man mentions while handing harry his phone. hes staring at me. like completley obvious. and I think harry noticed because je pulls me in even tighter and smiles.

"well ypu cpuld say that." harry winks at me and the man shrugs.

"if it doesnt work out, you know where to find me." he winks and then smoothly walks away.

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