Chapter 22||E

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"Not really flesh and blood," Paperjam pointed out after a second as he examined the spirit. Fresh poured, his glasses flashing a 'Not rad bruh,' before he returned to his smirk.

"Well, I've been watching you-"

"PERVERT!" Before Fresh could react, Pj threw the pillow at him. Blushing like crazy.

"Don't think about it like that! Oh my Toby Fox!" Fresh cursed under his breath, and he frowned.

"Time is running out, we must go."

"Go wh-?!" Paperjam didn't even have the chance to finish his sentence as he was dragged into the portal by the ghost.

"Errors getting stronger," Reaper muttered, his eyes narrowing in annoyance as he watched the glitchy skeletons army and aura advance towards the nearer castles. None of them stood a chance, especially when Khloe wasn't there to back her own kingdom up. Lust, Horror, and Nightmare would hold steady for a while, but the red kingdom would fall first. Along with most of Reapers speed demons.

Khloe was his right hand woman and she knew where he loyalty lied.

He was to go back tomorrow, back to his castle. Back to Geno.

Geno's eyes watched as the rain fell, waiting for Reaper's carriage to arrive in front of the castle. He couldn't get Khloe's words out of his head, even though it had been weeks. He had been pondering the feelings he had for Reaper, he was sure he had romantic feelings for the God of death. But love? Wasn't that a stretch?

There was a story Khloe was reading one of the younger maids of the castle, the love story between a dragon slayor, and a demon. Back in the old days, she loved him. Despite the things he did, but when they finally got together it hurt the people around them, and in the end, the two of them.

Seemed like a dark story for a fairy tail.


Maybe it was the time Geno finally gave love a chance, most of his life had been focused on his siblings. Everything he did was to please others, now, it was time to do something for himself.

His thoughts were interrupted by the door slamming open and Khloe storming in. "Geno! Reaper is back! But I have to go, take care of him. They'll be here soon." She panted out, making sure he understood before she disappeared in a whirl of roses and fire.

Right then, Reaper walked in and noticing the trail of magic left behind from Khloe he frowned. "I thought she knew what her place here was..."

To Hell and Back - Afterdeath [UNDER EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now