Chapter 17||Breathin

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I love Ariana. 💖
sometimes people make fun of BTS or other bands it hurts.

cause it's not just a band and this'll sound stupid but BTS has saved my life.
Ariana inspires me because she is so strong. She's been through so much.

Geno paused, putting down the rag. He had never thought about demons having emotions. Stories always ranged through them falling in love with a human or them being evil.

"Well, you were human. Once?"


"It's... difficult." Geno sighed. "Emotions are weird. They're horrible things. Always nagging at you-"

"But at least you can feel." Khloe interrupted, "The only emotions I can feel are the normal seven for a demon. Wrath, gluttony, lust, sloth, envy, pride, and greed." She paused. "I mean, it's not a bad thing..." she muttered under her breath almost inaudible but Geno heard it.

Geno's heart sank a bit, so Reaper was just using him. His insecurities had been right, maybe they couldn't ever be something.

"Geno?" She waved her hand in front of his face, concern and confusion evident on her face as he zoned out. "Sorry, I spaced out."

He sighed, "Look... Can we talk about this tomorrow?" He breathed out, exhaustion that he had not felt before taking over him. She nodded, "Your room is moved. It's with Reaper now," She reminded and I nodded.

This was so cliche, falling for a demon lord? Funny.

He strode down the hall, seeing three maids joking around and by their facial features he realized they were all sisters. He smiled to himself, a sibling, he sighed. He wished Error or Fresh were still alive, he pushed open the door shutting himself in and letting out a sigh of relief.

He slid down the door, before breaking down into dry sobs.

He missed them.

Errors blue streaks and colorful eyes, Freshs strange sense of humor and his colorful clothes.

He sobbed quietly in his clothes as not to wake anyone up.

It wasn't long before the demons of insecurity became attracted to the unhappiness.

Wait can y'all read my Guardians book and tell me if it's rlly that confusing omg sorry I'll just delete it

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