Bee Mine?

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Oof I haven't posted in a while, sorry. Happy Unattached Drifter Chrismas! I almost spilled burning hot chocolate onto one of my friends, what did you do today? (I'm still super fucking sorry about that and slowly dying inside from it and needed to make joke so there we go.) Anywho love ya'll :)

Angels were powerful beings, capable of mass creation or destruction. They were filled to the brink with power and could bend mountains with the flick of a wrist. They did not sulk.

Castiel was in his room, sitting on the floor. Not because he didn't have anywhere else to sit, he just liked sitting on the floor. Angel's didn't sulk but Castiel was... well he was sulking.

It was February 14th, Valentines day. He was being stupid, it was just a regular day with a stupid human tradition tacked on. He definitely wasn't here sitting on the stupid floor of his stupid room thinking about his stupid crush that he definitely did not have thank you very much.

Castiel sighed and layed down on the floor, his eyes tracing a bit of ceiling that was peeling away.

Sam had tried to convince him to give Dean a valentine, or at the very least talk to the man, but Cas refused. There were a few key issues with the whole "Dating Dean Winchester" plan, he tried to express this to Sam.

One, Dean was straight, and Castiel wasn't exactly a woman, unless women were defined as ageless multi-dimensional wavelengths of celestial intent that were currently stuffed in to male bodies.

At this Sam scoffed but Cas kept going.

Two, even if Dean were into men, and that's a BIG if, Cas wouldn't be good in a relationship. He was inexperienced and clueless, he didn't want to break Dean's heart. Plus Cas would never be able to give Dean a family, a real one.

Sam protested alot with this reason, clearly ready to give an entire speach about how Cas absolutely wasn't clueless and was enough for Dean, but Cas wouldn't have it, he kept going.

Finally, Castiel couldn't do this because he wouldn't be able to take the heartbreak. If- no when Dean rejected him, he would likely be kicked from the bunker again. He'd be on his own for good this time, no friends, no family. He wouldn't be able to live without Sam and Dean, they were his life. If those few months when he was human was hard, he couldn't bare to imagine a lifetime.

Cas walked away before Sam could comment. He expected the taller man to run after him, and promptly decided to ignore him, but that's not what happened. Instead the hunter turned away and walked up the stairs and right out the bunker door, leaving Castiel half way to his room and very confused.

Cas traced the ceiling cracks with his eyes again and again. He was overthinking this, everything would be completely fine tomorrow. Tomorrow Dean would wake up groggy, Sam would announce he found a case, and Cas would sit in the back seat of the impala pretending that all the longing in his chest didn't exist. Yep perfectly normal.

Sudently the angel heard footsteps outside his door, and then a small knock, as if the person didn't really want the door to be answered. Cas got up and prepared to have a very long talk with Sam, in which he would thoroughly explain again why starting a relationship with Dean was a bad idea, but when he got to the door it wasn't Sam who was standing there looking frightened. It was Dean.

The boy was a mess. His hair was pushed back like he had ran his fingers through it a million times, his face a tint of pink, and his eyes focused on the floor. He held something behind his back that Castiel couldn't see.

"Dean?" Castiel asked his head tilting to the side. "Is something wrong?"

"I just wanted to-" Dean started, his eyes still focused on the floor. "The card's cute alright, already giving me a cavity. I just wanted to say yes."

What was he talking about? Castiel didn't send a card. Dean must have understood the look on the angel's face because he rolled his eyes and pulled out what he was hiding behind his back.

It was clearly clearly a Valentine's day card. It was yellow with a honeycomb pattern, in the middle there was a cartoon Bee with a blush and a smile, and on the top text that said "Honey, will you Bee mine?". In the bottom left corner, Castiel's name was writen, it was an immation of his handwriting, good but he could tell the diffrence, Dean however could not.

"I mean this, Dumbass" Dean said, he flashed his eyes upward toward Castiel for a breif moment. "I wanted to say yes, I'll bee yours..."

"I didn-" Castiel started, but was ever so rudely interupted by Dean Winchester crashing their lips togther.

Ah, screw it. Sure Sam proabably wrote the card and yeah Castiel could be mad at him later, but right now there was something much more important things to attend to

Cas pulled after a few moments, still holding on to his doubts. "Wait are you sure this is what you want?"

"Yes," Dean replied, finally meeting Castiel's eyes.

"But Dean, we need to talk about this," Cas said, his eyes filled with concern.

"We can talk tomorrow but for now can we just..." Dean trailed off but Castiel knew exactly what he ment.

"Yes," Cas said while leaning in to kiss the hunter once more, he made a quick reminder to thank Sam before sinking completely into the kiss.
Sam smiled from across the hall, leaning on the wall. He had left the bunker earlier and walked to town, he preferred to walk than drive, to go get the Destiel ship sailing. He had enough with the longing glances and small touches, it had gotten annoying.

He went to a small CVS and got a valentines day card, one that screamed Cas, then wrote Castiel's name in pen with the best forging he could do. He walked back to the bunker after picking up another card and a bouquet of Candy roses.

Once he came back to the bunker Sam slipped the card under Dean's door and waited. It was the perfect plan. Hey neither of them were gonna make a move, he might as well do it for them.

Sam pushed himself off the wall and walked away humming, a smile on his face, going to go get ready for his date with Gabriel.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 15, 2019 ⏰

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