I Wish Circumstances Were Diffrent

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Okay so no reads yet but I'm gonna keep on keeping on. No reads if you don't update right?

I actually wrote the first part during the summer when I was rewatching and heard Castiel say I wish circumstances were different

*If anyones confused they are in the bunker but Lucifer is possessing sam again and Michael is trying to get dean and all that bullshit is back.

"I wish circumstances were different," was all I managed to say before you stormed out of the room, off to find another impossible solution to this impossible problem. But I didnt mean the situation that was currently happening when I said the statement. I wasnt talking about Lucifer or Michael or even Sam, I was talking about us.

I wish we didnt have to meet in hell. I wish I was human like you. I wish you had a childhood that was normal, not ten times shittier than the cage. I wish we had met in highschool, and studied togther. I wish we could slowly fall in love and kiss while reviewing the quadratic formula. I wish we could live togther and get to go on dates to the movies. I wish we could wake up in the same bed and just cuddle under the blankets. I wish we could get married and have a wedding, an actual wedding with flowers and church bells. I wish I could wear my suit and trenchcoat and walk down the aisle as you whisper that I'm beautiful, laughing that I refused to wear something normal or at least change. I wish I could randomly leave you flowers and love notes on the dining room table to brighten your day. I wish we could spend our Saturdays riding around in the impala, you teaching me how to fix it. I wish you were in love with me. Dean Winchester, I truely wish circumstances were different.

I picked up a book off the floor. A book you knocked off the table in your heated rage. I sat on the steps of the doorway, flipping to page one, trying to find the impossible solution you were looking for. If you didnt love me back, at least we could save something you did love.

A few hours had passed since you left so I decided to go and find you. Wandering over to your room. I could feel you, but also I sensed a sadness lurching from it, crawling out and wrapping its tendrils around everything in sight. I pushed the door open, careful not to make any noise as I entered.

You were on your bed, with headphones on, the sound was so loud I could hear the song from here. It was 'Hey Jude' the song your mother used to sing you. Your eyes were closed, but tears still escaped them. They drenched your face and the book on your lap, that was being ignored. I walked over to the side of the bed and before you saw me, before you said my name, I touched your forehead and put you into a slumber.

It would only last a few hours but from the way your eyes drooped, I think you needed it. I removed the headphones from your head and placed them on mine. I didnt know how to shut the music off and instead decided to enjoy it.

I lifted the book from your lap, wet with tears, and moved it to the desk. I then began to move you. I rested your head on the pillow, making sure you wouldn't wake with an uncomfortable pain. I dragged the blankets on top of you to keep you warm and cozy. Then I stopped. I hadn't gotten anywhere with research and it was late.

Angel's didnt sleep but I liked to watch over you. I wanted to sit on the bed next to you, comforting you as you sleep, but I feared that would be creepy. Instead I pulled the chair from your desk and faced it toward your bed, so I could see you. 'Not creepy, just concerted' I thought to myself.

For the next 5 hours I sat there, listening to every word in every song that played. I sat there until you began to stir. I decided I wanted to leave before you fully awoke. It would be awkward and I think you would want time alone. I took off the headphones and placed them gently on the desk. I walked to the door, careful with every step. I was just about to slip out the door when your voice stopped me.

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