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So the song being used is Let's Go To Bed -By the Cure, which I linked above so you guys can listen cause it's a good song. 
I'm not really sure if this counts as a songfic? I don't know, whatever. I think I messed up on the lyrics a few times so that is what it is. Have a good {Insert whatever time it is} 


The club was loud and bright. Strobe lights in every color imaginable flashed around the room, illuminating the dancing patrons. Drinks sloshed against cups, littering the floor with drops of liquor. Music filled the large room, blaring from what seemed like the air itself. The beat was embedded into your chest, like the feeling of being near fireworks. The atmosphere was just exhilarating.

Dean walked among this crowd, a beer in his hand. He moved around, looking for someone pretty to chat up, possibly take home for the night. 

Dean had just moved to Lawrence from Sioux Falls, a new start from the troubles. His father was an old drunk who did nothing but sit on his sorry ass. Dean's uncle Bobby practically raised him and his brother, Samuel. Sam had just left home recently too, going to school at Stanford. Dean never got the chance to go to school. Sammy had more potential, he thought, no use to waste money on the useless son. 

Dean moved across the crowd, looking for a pretty girl. That's what he needed. Maybe later he could fix all the shitty stuff in his life, but for now, he just needed a beer and a girl. Possibly a room too if he got lucky, which he usually did. 

"Get ready for our own little angel, right here in Lawrence," a voice boomed through the speakers as the music faded away. "Please give it up for Hot Wings!"

Dean turned towards the stage, he didn't have a clear view, but as soon as the singing started he knew he had to see the body that belonged to that voice. It was clearly male, but it sounded like the heavens had come down and blessed him (but they probably didn't since over half of heaven is made of assholes...). It was deep and gravely but somehow also smoothe. It was powerful and soft at the same time. He didn't have to scream in order to get his point across, Dean doubt he had to whisper. Dean admired that power, he also wondered how great that power would sound under different circumstances...

"Let me take your hand
I'm shaking like milk
Turning blue
All over the windows and the floor
Fires outside in the sky
Look as perfect as cats
The two of us
Together again
But it's just the same
A stupid game"

Dean moved towards the stage, navigating through the insane crowd. Apparently, everyone was interested in this mysterious singer and weren't very keen on letting him through. I just wanna see the dude, Dean thought, Just let me fuckin through already. 

"But I don't care if you don't
And I don't feel if you don't
And I don't want it if you don't
And I won't say it
If you won't say it first
You think you're tired now
But wait until three
Laughing at the Christmas lights
You remember from December
All of this then back again
Another girl
Another name
Stay alive but stay the same
It's just the same
A stupid game"

The voice sang out as Dean moved closer, almost at the stage. As he came closer, the singer came into view. And my chuck was he hot. There were some background dancers too, all in skimpy outfits and clearly there for the sex appeal, but who the fuck cared about them when this hot piece ass was there?

The first thing Dean noticed was the eyes, the beautiful eyes, bluer than any ocean. They were piercing as they glanced around at the crowd. It seemed to Dean he was searching for someone. Quite possibly a girl, Dean thought, Guys like that being single? Ha, no way. 

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