Make A Wish

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Dean's birthday was yesterday but shhhhh, I was busy and also tired so my plan to update on the 24th died (Just like the Winchesters!).  Anyway it was Dean's 40th birthday which means he's officially spent more time on earth than in hell so yay!

Dean rolls his eyes as Sam, Jack, and Cas sing him happy birthday. They're all standing around the map-table, Dean sitting on one of the wooden chairs, a pie with five candles crammed into it ("Gotta add one for good luck, Sammy") infront of him.

"You have to make a wish, Dean" Jack says to him, a small smile on his face. Sam had told him about birthday traditions before, and he was proud that he remembered them.

Birthday wishes, unlike most supernatural things, were a simple superstition. Nothing was gonna come true just because it was Dean's birthday, sure he helped humanity, but the world didn't revolve around him.

Still, it wouldn't hurt to make a wish. Things never really turned out in his favor, nothing like this would ever happen, it couldn't happen. Good things don't happen to Dean Winchester, but it didn't hurt to dream.

Dean stared at the candles, their flames dancing in the darkened kitchen. He imagined Cas, the one thing he could never allow himself to have. He imagined Castiel was sitting by his side, their fingers intertwined. They would blow out the candles togther then smile and kiss eachother softly. He imagined them watching a movie, curled into eachother on the couch. It felt good to dream.

Dean took a deep breath and blew out the candles. He looked up. Sam was smiling and Jack was clapping but he looked past them. Cas was standing there wide eyed and gripping the table, he was staring at Dean.

He knows. How the fuck does he know?! Dean worried. He got up and ran out of the room without a second thought. He heard a worried "Dean?" behind him but it sounded like it was shouted to him from the shore while he was miles underwater.

Cas was somehow already in Dean's room when Dean opened the door. Dean froze, one foot inside the room, one foot still in the hallway.

"Dean," Castiel said in his normal gruff voice. His eyes were still wide.

"I didn't mean to- how did- I didn't pray to you?" Dean struggled to get the words out, his heart was threatening to jump out of his chest.

"A wish is very similar to a prayer. If it is directed at a person..." Cas trailed off, his eyes moving to the floor for a moment before going back to Dean.

"You weren't suppose to hear that," Dean says bluntly. He tries to keep the worry out of his voice but it's already there. Cas had seen Dean's wish and he looked like the entirety of the universe was falling around him. "You weren't-"

"Did you mean it?" Cas interupts. He takes a step forward, like he's aproaching a scared animal. "The wish, did you mean it?"

"Cas- "


They both remain quiet for a few moments after that. They are alone, the bunker long since melted away. Dean takes a step forward and straightens out, he would give anything to just run away right about now. But this time- unlike every other chance at happiness he's gotten- he isn't going to run away.

"Dean," Cas repeats. It's more persistent this time, like he's talking to a 4-year-old who was caught with their hand in the cookie jar. "Did you mean what you wished for? Is that- am I what you want?"

Dean could deny it. Just say that it was a joke or it was the first thing he thought of- it would be easy. He doubts it would work though, Cas knows better than that, he could read Dean like a book.

"Yes, I meant it" Dean whispers.

The words are heavy like lead and fall to the floor, lying inbetween the two men. They didn't burn on Dean's tounge like he belived they would. Instead it feels like he's been liberated, like he's been drowning all this time and sudently he can breathe.

Cas simply looks at him, his eyes narrowing into slits. No doubt he's looking for lies, but why would Dean lie? Why would Dean embarrass himself like this?

Dean breathes in again, it's another breath filled with water. He exhales but the water doesn't leave.





More staring

Dean's focused so hard on breathing he doesn't notice Cas moving towards him, his steps in sync with Dean's fast paced breaths.


The waves, the water it all just stops. It is calm, the water is still. Castiel's arms are wrapped around him and he tenses. He takes another breath, no water this time. Cas' hands rub his back.

Cas is warm, warmer than the deep dark depths that are inside of Dean. He soaks up the warmth as best he can, wrapping his hands around his bestfriend. They stand there for a moment before Cas pulls away.

Happiness doesn't last for a Winchester. Dean thinks. Cas probably feels pitty for him, for his stupid brain for falling for the one guy-angel-whatever that would never, could never, like him back.

Dean and Cas are still only inches apart. Cas smiles slightly while Dean frowns. Man  why is he smiling?

"I am still unsure about human customs as I have never done anything like this before  but I believe it is custom to kiss those who love you romantically," Cas says as his head tilts slightly to the side.

Before Dean can process the statement or ask for clarification, Cas' lips are pressed against Dean's. And it felt.... it felt good.

It's soft. Everytime Dean had imagined this it wasn't soft. It was rough and needy and pushing and pulling, it wasn't soft.

Throughout Dean's life everything was hard and fast. Not only when it came to romantic and sexual endeavors but simply life itself. He had been torn apart and put back togther, pushed and prodded, tortured, hell he's even been to Hell. Everything in life was a series of falling down, getting back up, and then falling down harder. But in this moment it didn't feel like he was falling, like he was being pushed down under the waves, he was flying, he was floating. Dean could get used to soft.

Dean melted into the kiss, his hands somehow finding their way into Castiel's hair. Cas' arms wrapped around him once again, this time slightly more needy.

When they finally pulled apart after a minute, Dean whimpered slightly. The kiss felt like an eternity and a few seconds at the same time. All he knew is he wanted more.

Cas had a doofy grin on his face, a smile that lit up the universe. Dean was pretty sure he looked the same. He tried to make a witty remark but all he could do was smile.

He breathed in again, no water. He breathed out. Another breath, no water.

He was no longer drowning.

"Happy birthday, Dean"

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