How Could I be Blind

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So I am still laughing my ass off at Bucifer, TheAlmightyImpala & waffles_of_doom wrote one-shots for it and I suggest you read it cause its gold.

Anyway, I didn't upload the other day (Friday) cause I posted the Halo thingy and I felt lazy. This fic isn't the longest in the world, but I feel it's alright so whatever.

I might do something similar in the future, Idk for now.


Sam should have known not to assume things, it's never really a smart thing to do. They say when you assume it makes an ass out of you and me. It's true. Whether it was on a hunt or just an errand run, Sam learned to never assume.

Our moosy man protagonist was in the bunker on a fine morning. Of course, Sam didn't really know how the weather outside was since he was sitting in a bunker in which the designers decided to include exactly no fucking windows. Dean was sitting with Cas in Dean's room, while Sam was in the library.

Sam said he was researching for cases but was actually just on Tumblr. Hey, a world-saving, badass hunter needs some relaxation too. But it had been a few hours, and although that 15,000-word fanfic had seemed promising, it sounded a little quiet, and Dean and quiet never mixed. Well unless you count when he was unconscious.

Sam got up and wandered around the halls towards Dean's room. It was surprisingly eerie in the bunker, Sam could hear his own footsteps echo down the halls as he trudged on. As he neared Dean's room he began to hear voices. Not the voices of Dean and Cas, but the voices of cartoon characters. Scooby Doo to be exact. 

When he got to Dean's room, the door was slightly ajar. He peered in and encountered a curious sight. Dean and Cas were laying down, in each other's arms, watching Tv. Correction, his macho brother who vowed against chick-flick moments since the beginning of time was cuddling with an angel of the Lord who didn't really understand human customs. Sam raised an eyebrow at both of them as the door slightly creaked open.

Cas took no notice to the sound, fully invested on what now was the chase scene where the gang was trying to outrun the "monster". It looked fun. Sam knew from experience, it was in fact, NOT FUN. Dean looked towards Sam, the angel still under his arms. Sam shot him a puzzled look and Dean rose from the bed, walking towards the door.

"What?" He asked while yawning. "Found a Hunt?"

"Did you just ask me...Found a hunt?!" Sam whisper-yelled, trying not to disturb the angel. He wasn't mad, just shocked. 

"Yeah?" Dean questioned, clearly confused.

"That just happened," Sam gestured to the room. "And you are asking me if I found a hunt?"Dean stared at him.

Sam looked his brother over. His hair was a mess, pointing in every direction. He was only in his pajama pant's and a black shirt, both of which were crumpled. His thoughts turned horrific (well in Samuel's opinion).

"Oh my chuck, were you and Castiel having (the) sex?" Sam asked his brother eyes wide.

Dean stood there a minute with a serious expression. "Hey Cas, I didn't know we were having sex. You should've told me, I would've turned the TV off." He said to Cas.

"I was unaware we partook in any act of sexual intercourse, Dean," Cas replied, still on the bed watching scooby doo.

"Nevermind, Cas" Dean said back, before raising an eyebrow at Sam. "That answer your question."

"Not really,"

"What's the big deal?" Dean asked.

"The big deal is since when have you and Cas been so touchy," Sam said, throwing his hands up in the air.

"Since we've started dating, dumbass,"  Dean said, as if they were only discussing the weather.

"Dating?!" Sam asked, eyes wide. "How long?"

"Like 2 years now, dude. Didn't you ever wonder why I don't try to pick up anyone at bars anymore?"

"I assumed its cause you lost your game,"

"I'll never lose my game, Sammy."

Sam rocked back and forth, trying to process what the fuck just happened. He was fine with Dean dating Cas, he actually shipped them. But did he ever think it was going to happen? No! Dean's too much of an emotional dumbass, and Cas couldn't take a hint if it hit him square in the face.

All that aside though, they never even thought to tell Sam. Sam was their family, and even though they had lied before, there was always a good (not really) reason for it. He was hurt they didn't think to tell him.

"Why didn't you tell me?" Sam asked, finally voicing his thoughts.

Dean shrugged, "I assumed you knew. We're not exactly the most subtle people on earth."

Sam looked at him perplexed and Dean sighed and continued. "Like, why do you think Cas doesn't have his own room in the bunker?"

"He doesn't sleep, probably just didn't need one." Sam shot back.

"Why do you think Cas and I go everywhere together?"

"Best friends do that too, Dean"

"Okay riddle me this, why do you think Cas and I look at each other so much, especially Cas with his heart eyes?"

Sam smirked. "Because you two are emotionally constipated assholes who, even if completely obsessed with each other, would take the most difficult choice rather than speak to each other."

"Touchè," Dean smiled

"I still can't believe how I could be so blind," Sam whined.

"I don't know, Sammy, you're blind to a lot of things" Dean shrugged off another yawn.

"Yeah like Gabriel's heart eyes towards you," Cas butted in. Although he was out of sight, both boys could hear the air quotes around heart eyes.

Dean laughed and nodded in agreement, while Sam stood there with a blush creeping steadily across his face.

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