"I Miss Him"

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Hi, Happy New Year. I'm very not dead, just tired and getting ready to fail finals because I'm busy reading fanfic (kidding....sorta). Anyway I know this is short (sorry) and I will be posting a tag thing after this cause I was tagged and might as well. Also I'm actually not posting at ass-o'clock in the morning, wow.

"I miss him," He says into the phone, lying on the bed, a blue robe draped lazily on his shoulders and a blanket around his torso.

He could have said so many other things, described what he felt in so many other words...

"We will find him"
"He'll be okay"
"He's still out there"
"I want to find him"

...but he chose "I miss him".

He missed the smiles that were reserved only for him. The ones flashed when Sam wasn't looking.

He missed the touches. Nothing intimate, just a pat on the shoulder or the occasional hug. It wasn't much, but he missed them- the feeling, the warmth.

He missed the movies Dean would force him to see. The ones he pretended to watch but in reality, only watched the hunter as the screen lit up his face.

He missed counting the freckles on Dean's face, mapping them out like constellations in the sky. They were a lot like stars, he thought, only prettier.

He missed the moments in the Impala, even when they weren't alone. When the windows were rolled down, the music was blaring through the speakers, and Dean would sing along, screaming the lyrics as they raced down the road.

He missed the late night phone calls when Dean couldn't sleep.

He missed the smell of leather, apple pie, motor oil, and cheap liquor.

He missed the references he couldn't understand.

He missed watching the hunter at work, ridding the world of monsters.

He missed Dean. The Dean who showed him what humanity truly had to offer. The Dean that had made him feel wanted and needed. The Dean that showed him what home was. The Dean that showed him free will. The Dean that showed him emotion. The Dean that made him fall, and in doing so, allowed him to fly.

He lied there- sprawled out on the bed, covered only by a blanket and a robe poorly draped over his shoulders- talking into the phone, missing his hunter. He meant to say all of these things, all of these wonderful things about Dean that he missed so dearly. But the words get stuck in his throat and all that comes out is "I miss him"

He knows Sam understands how the statement is heavy as if it was filled with lead. Sam understands what he wants to say, even if he can't say it, because Sam knows what Dean means to him.

So he settles for "I miss you," because he doesn't need to waste words, not right now. He doesn't need to waste words when the only person who needs to hear them is Dean Winchester. 

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