Sam, a Tv, and oblivious Castiel

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This sucks but whatever. Anyway I'm totally Thasmin trash and I kinda saw the similarities of the prolonged eye contact. Apparently that's a "totally normal things normal friends who do not like eachother do".

"Thirteen and Yaz are in love!" Sam half-said half-shouted to Cas, who was sitting on the couch after Sam convinced him to watch Doctor who.

"No they aren't, Sam. They are simply friends." Cas replied, his head was tilted a bit, not understanding how Sam could make such assumptions.

Sam picked up the remote and rewound the episode to a part where Yaz and The Doctor were staring at eachother quite intensely. He gestured to the scene.

"Yes, I thought it was customary for humans to make eye contact while speaking with one another. We are doing it right now and we arent in 'love'," Cas said while looking at the screen. He made exaggerated air quotes when he said love.

"Yeah but that intensely? No two friends look at eachother like that," Sam shot back, sporting a bitchface and gesturing at the screen.

"Dean and I stare at eachother like that," Cas said in a matter-of-factly sorta way.

"My point"

"Yes, but Dean and I are simply friends. Friends can look at eachother like that."

"Friends?" Sam snorted. "Yeah right, you two stare at eachother so long it looks like you're about to receive some in the eyeball."

"Recive what?" Cas questioned, squinting his eyes.

"Nevermind, Cas. The point is Yazmin and Thirteen totally like eachother, and so do you and Dean." Sam said, getting the next episode ready for Cas and him.

"Dean bares no romantic feelings toward me. That is fact." Cas stated, refusing to drop the conversation.

"Yeah right. He is head over heels for you, dude." Sam said, putting down the remote.

"How so? We are simply friends."

"Huh, I don't know. The way you look at eachother, talk to eachother, act around eachother, the protectiveness, you willing to do anything for him and him willing to do anything for you." Sam said while ticking them off on his fingers. "Maybe you rebelling from heaven for him, or giving up an entire army during a civil war. Dean searching for you in purgatory for a year, killing anyone and anything that would get in his way. The smiles you save for eachother, or the way you seem to only look at eachother when the other isn't. You always come when he calls. If you two don't like eachother, I honestly don't know anything."

Cas sat there, his face a little red. He stared straight ahead, unblinking. It took him a minute to speak. "Sam Winchester, if you say a word of that to Dean, I will personally insure your death. Though it doesn't matter, Dean doesn't return these... feelings."

"Sure, Cas. He doesn't return these feelings, just like he absolutely loathes pie, right? He returns the feelings, trust me."

"How can you be sure?" Cas looked Sam in the eye, his head tilted slightly to the left. Sam pulled a bitchface.

"Dean acts like a like a maniac around you, constantly worried and just distracted. He loves you."

"Loves me?" Cas whispered, then said the next part at a normal volume. "What should I do about this issue?"

"One, it's not an issue, the tention was killing me. And two, talk to him about it, about how you're feeling."

When did I become a fucking therapist.  Sam thought. All I wanted to do was watch Doctor who, not get caught up in this. I should've just asked Jack..."

"But what do I say? I have never done something like this before," Cas pushed further, Sam groaned internally.

Truthfully, Sam didn't know what to tell Cas. Yes, they both liked eachother but his brother wasn't one to admit feelings. His infamous Chick flick rule was barely ever broken. Would Cas be able to actually reach out to him? Would Dean actually express his feelings? It felt like the hottest telenovela of the season, and Sam was not intrested.

Sam sighed. "Just kinda... I don't know, Cas, just talk to him. I'm not an expert on this either."

"But surely you have had romantic relationships before?" Cas pushed.

"And look how those turned out." Sam sighed, knowing Cas wouldn't let this go until he had some sort of answer. "Look, just go to him and explain what you're feeling, don't try to overcomplicate things. Try to get his full attention, but don't scare him off, okay?"

"I belive I understand. Thank you, Sam," Castiel nodded and left the room.

Do you though, Cas? Do you?

Sam turned on the next episode,  sprawling his moose like body along the length of the couch. He wondered how things were gonna go for his brother and best friend. Probably complicated and messy, but when was anything else an option when it came to the Winchesters?

Sam settled into the couch as the theme song played, colors moving along the screen. He could worry about all this "Dean/Cas" stuff later, for now he would just sit here and forget all the stress of the world.

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