Chapter 22. Did You Plan This?

Start from the beginning

The car lands and it jolts both of us I smack my forehead on the steering wheel, and gasp in shock.

I groan as pain shoots through my head and put my head back against the seat, Lydia...

I open my eyes and my head snaps over to her. "Lyds." I whisper.

"Ow." She groans rubbing the side of her head.

"You okay baby?" I ask her.

"Mmm yeah I think so." She whispers.

"Holy shit." I whisper stunned. I look out her window and it's totally white, I look out mine and it's white.

"What the fuck?" Lydia asks looking back.

"We're in a fucking snow bank." I whisper. "Hold on let me try to open the door." 

I try pushing the door open but it doesn't budge so I shut it tightly. "See if you can open yours Lyds." I whisper.

She pushes at the door with her body weight but it doesn't budge so she shuts it tightly.

"Fuck I'm gonna have to dig our asses out." I huff running my hands over my face.

"Maybe we should wait til morning." She whispers. "We don't know the nearest place Lyric, and it's -25 degrees without the windchill you'd freeze us both to death." 

I sit there for a long moment thinking about what she is saying, it is really cold tonight it'd take me a while to dig us out through my window, it'd get cold in the car for both of us...

"Fuck!" I yell slamming my fists down on the dashboard.

It's already beginning to get cold in the car.

We sit there silent for what seems like a long time.

"I'm cold Lyric." She whimpers.

I unbuckle myself and grab a blanket from the floorboard. 

"You got a blanket?" She asks surprised.

"My mom used to put it in here, every time I'd take it out she'd just put it back so I kinda quit taking it out. Want some water?" I ask her.

Her teeth chatters and she shakes her head.

"Come on." I whisper. I crawl into the backseat she follows after me. We lay down in the backseat and I throw the blanket over us.

Lydia continues to shiver. "We're totally fucking dying in this car." She whispers and laughs.

"We're not gonna die Lydia." I tell her. "Ya know what take your clothes off."

She slowly raises her head to look me in the eyes. "Excuse me?" She asks in disbelief.

"You wanna keep all your fingers and toes? Start stripping." I tell her I throw the blanket off of us and throw my jacket off, she does the same.

"This is so awkward to do in such a small space!" She hisses. "This whole body heat shit better work."

I laugh. "Let's fucking hope so, I'll throw the other clothes on top of us." 

I pull my shirt off and she does the same thing, now if this was a normal situation I'd be staring at her but being that we're doing this not to freeze to fucking death I keep my eyes away from her.

We slide our jeans off leaving our underwear on I throw the blanket and clothes over the top of us she buries her head into my chest and we tangle our legs together. "Fuck you're cold." I hiss.

"You're not." She whispers trying to get closer to me.

I laugh. "Knock it off you're gonna push me off the seat."

"If we live through this I'm never getting in a car with you again." Lydia whispers, I chuckle.

"I'm sorry." I whisper.

"Mmm." She yawns. "It's okay if I had to be stuck with anyone in a snow bank at least it's you." She shivers.

I rub my hands up and down her back quickly trying to warm her up, she lifts her head. "Wow it does work." She whispers, I chuckle. "You plan this to get me naked?" She asks.

I laugh and so does she, I shake my head. "No."

She runs her hands up my chest as she stares into my eyes. My gaze falls to her lips, her face not nearly as swollen as it had been earlier today.

My eyes look back to hers but her gaze is now on my lips too, I can't take it anymore...

Fuck being friends.

I smash my lips to hers, she runs a hand through my hair pressing herself tighter to me.

A/N: Quite the pickle these two are in lol! Okay seriously were soooo close!

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