Dutch van der Linde: Pretty Words

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"I hate to admit it, but you make an interesting point Y/N" he smiled, shaking his head. He always enjoyed talking to you because you were clever and you were honest. You wouldn't say something just to please him and you always provided stimulating conversation. "You read much Evelyn Miller, Miss?" he asked politely, looking at you. He had seen you sitting around camp with a multitude of books and he had often offered to let you borrow some of his books. In fact you had both spent evenings just reading together in silence, so he was pretty sure that you must have read some Evelyn Miller before.

"I have...in the past" you nodded. You knew that Dutch thought very highly of Evelyn Miller but you did not share his view on the author and you certainly didn't want to offend him.

"Isn't he wonderful?" he asked, his eyes lighting up and making you smile, it saw sweet to see him passionate about something over than the gang and the Pinkertons.

"Honestly Dutch...he doesn't say much to me" you admitted with a small sigh, knowing that this would start some sort of debate but you were privately glad that this meant spending more time with the man.

"Doesn't say much? He says all there is that needs to be said" Dutch asked, and you tried not to laugh when you saw the genuine surprise and slight offence on his face.

"No, I don't think so. Don't get me wrong, his words are very pretty, but that's all they are...pretty. He doesn't actually say anything new. He has some very pretty sayings but those saying don't say anything of great importance or interest" you explained honestly, turning to look away from him only because you could hold his intense interested gaze for much longer.

"You're breaking my poor stupid heart" he joked, resting his hand on your shoulder and placing his other hand on his chest, over his heart.

"Ah, well I'm sorry Dutch but I'm only being honest" you laughed, smiling at him and he let go of his chest.

"And I appreciate your honesty even if it does tear my heart apart" Dutch forgave you as he brought his hand away from your shoulder and placed it on top of your hand instead.

"Pretty words, like the ones that Mr Miller writes, are all it takes to seduce feeble minds. Not that I think your mind is feeble Dutch, I don't think that at all" you hummed before making sure that you didn't just insult Dutch. You knew that he didn't have a feeble mind.

"Pretty things make fools out of us all" he hummed, his thumb brushing over the back of your hand as you looked up at him and smiled, he was already smiling at you. You had unknowingly been making him a fool since the day you met him, and he definitely thought that you were pretty. Beyond pretty actually.

"Pretty words do not fool me, Mr van der Linde" you smiled, your voice quieter than you expected it to be as you looked him in the eye.

"That's what makes you special" he told you with a charming smile and his typical charismatic personality. You knew that you were right, pretty words have never fooled you but Dutch van der Linde...well, he certainly makes a fool out of you even if he doesn't know it.

"Thank you, Dutch. You are rather special yourself" you smiled, ducking your head in the hopes to hide your blush. However, Dutch wouldn't let you save yourself from the embarrassment of the pink that stained your cheeks.

He took your hand in his before using his other hand to lift your chin up, smiling at you without a hint of judgement. "Maybe we don't share the same views on Mr Miller" Dutch whispered, making you laugh softly but quickly stopped as you looked at him and waited for him to speak again. "But I think that there is a lot we can agree on, at least I would like to find out" he confessed and smiled softly when you ran your thumb over his hand, listening to him with a small smile on your own lips.

"I would like that too" you admitted, another smile gracing your lips and Dutch wondered if it was possible to become addicted to a smile because if it was possible he would definitely be addicted to yours.

"I hate to cut this short, darlin', but I must run but I'll be back soon...help yourself to any of my books" Dutch smiled as he stood up, definitely disappointing you but you knew that he would stay true to his word and you would wait for him to come back to camp to spend some more time with him.

"It's alright, Dutch. I'll see you later, it's not like I'm going anywhere" you chuckled as you rose to your feet and stood in front of him.

Dutch was about to turn and leave the tent but stopped himself, instead he gently lifted your hand in his and brought it to his lips. He pressed a sweet kiss to the back of your knuckled. You smiled at him but then you rolled your eyes. You rested your hand on his arm as you lent towards him, pressing a lingering kiss to his cheek before pulling back and dropping your arm back to your side.

Dutch smiled at you before turning and leaving, and you could swear that you saw him blush at least a little bit. You smiled to yourself, feeling a little giddy as you sat back down. You glanced down and saw an Evelyn Miller book sitting on the bed beside you, you rolled your eyes but picked up the book and flicked through it anyway.


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