Chapter 4-Meeting The Twins

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As I was eating two shadows loomed over me; I looked up and saw the twins; they sat down and seemed to look out of place; and looking around I noticed that people were looking at them weirdly as well.

"You know we can sit at your table if you'd like?" before they could reply I was already getting up and walking across the hall to their table. There were already two people sitting their; one who had brown hair and green eyes and the other who had dark skin, hair and eyes. They both looked at me funny as I sat down beside them.

The twins trailed behind and sat down across from me as we sat in silence.

"So what year are you two in?"

"7th" they both replied,

"What are your names?"


"George" I sighed and put my fork down as they looked up at me.

"You know if you were going to act like this than I wouldn't have suggested you sit with me. Why did you guys come anyway? Because I'm not about to talk to two boys who are too immature to talk to someone outside of their house." Their eyes widened as the two other boys were watching from the side lines.

"we weren't-" I rolled my eyes,

"Oh cut the crap; what's so bad about Slytherin anyway?" this time the boy with green eyes spoke.

"Because they're horrible; anyone who gets sorted into Slytherin are bound to be bad wiches or wizards" I noticed that he had an Irish accent.

"Yeah, all they care about are blood status and which house you're in" the other one spoke.

"Okay but I don't know what any of you are and I'm sitting here talking to you. And how do you know that we're all bad? Did you have one bad experience with a couple of Slytherins and now we're suddenly all shit to you guys?" I shook my head and got up; suddenly losing my appetite.

"This is ridicules; right now you're saying that all we care about are which houses you're in. and yet the only people who seem to judge me for my house are you Gryffindors!" I waved my hands up and gestured towards them before turning and walking out before they could reply.

"And to think I tried making friends with those guys"


It's been about a week since I've started school here. I'm close with Draco and Pansy but Crabbe and Goyle seem to just be friends with him because they don't want to get bullied. I've been trying to stop Draco from bullying people so much and it had worked a bit. Apparently he has a huge crush on Pansy so I use that to my advantage. But, I'm just curious as to why he pretends as if he doesn't like her.

"So you're telling me that you can't be with Pansy because of your parents?" Draco nodded as we walked down the hall towards Potions.

"But Draco, you told me that your parents are old fashion and Pansy is a Pureblood AND in Slytherin. I don't understand why they wouldn't like her"

"They say that she isn't good enough for me" I blinked and frowned at him; he wasn't telling me the truth and I knew it.

"Since when do kids your age listen to their parents anyway?" he gave me a look and I smirked,

"You're mommy's little baby boy" I said in a baby voice as I pinched his cheeks; he groaned and swatted my hands away as I laughed. We got to potions and I saw that we were early; as usual. Draco sat down in his regular spot but I tried going in a different area.

"Where are you going?"

"I thought you'd want to sit with Pansy today?" his face flushed and I laughed; but that soon died when the bell rang and students started flooding; I had no choice but to sit next to him. We always sat behind Harry and Ron; hopefully Draco doesn't bug them today. I watched Snape walk in and turn around; looking at us without a smile on his face.

Opposites Attract-George Weasley Love Story *COMPLETED*Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum