Chapter 38

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It was obvious to Jin, but the first one to wake up that morning, that Taehyung had been awake most of the night.

Probably due to the fact they had all watched a horror prior to that morning.

They were all covered in blankets and made comfortable, he made a mental note to Thank Taehyung when he awoke.

The rest of the group were now awake, Jimin and Jungkook both in big space.

They all sat at the table eating breakfast talking about nonsense trying to be quiet as the latter was still fast asleep.

Although it didn't work as he was soon awakened by the loud smash of a bowl that Namjoon had dropped trying to take it to the kitchen.

The boy woke up, heavy bags decorated his usually vibrant eyes he's hair stuck up in all directions.

He looked awful.

"What's all the noise about" he whined groggily sitting in the seat next to Jin.

"Sorry Taehyung-ah we were trying to be quiet" Jin apologized after cursing profanities under his breath.

The boy dismissed the apology saying it didn't matter and stated to eat the breakfast that was put in front of him by Namjoon as an apology.

It was about 10.30 and all the members were dotted around the living room all doing their own things in silence, not unusual for them on their days off.

Taehyung was quieter than usual, all the members knew why but nobody dared to breach the subject not even Jungkook.

They all appreciated the silence even if I was a little awkward and uncomfortable until Taehyung spoke up.

"guys can we urm talk" he asked sounding between sad and uncomfortable, sitting on the edge of the sofa he's jacket draped over his knees.

All the members exchanged glances wondering what they were going to talk about but non the less all gathered around the boy.

"I was thinking, today it's been two years you know since" the boys all looked at the boy with pity and love edging him to continue "I think maybe it's time I went through my mother's things" he said looking down at his knees not wanting to cry.

People often said to him that the pain would dull after a while, the pain wouldn't hurt as much. He never understood how people could say that, but each day the aching in his heart grew worse the memories vividly played in his mind on repeat.

Every so often he'd wake up and lie under his covers staring at the wall allowing the memories of the woman he loved so much to escape his eyes, he missed her so much.

"okay, do you want one of us to drive you to the storage?" Hoseok questioned looking at the boy.

He looked up looking at each of the faces that helped him through the time he thought he might just die "actually I was going to ask, would you all come it would be much easier knowing I had my best friends by my side."

"I'll come" Jin said first followed by the rest of the members all apart from Jungkook who sat staring at his lover although he was cut off by Jimin clearing his throat.

"uh yeah cause I'll come baby" I he whispered kissing his boyfriends temple much to Taehyung's delight every one had agreed to come along.

~~~Time skip~~~

The car was now parked outside the storage unit everybody was silent no noise was heard except the hum of the radio that was turned down so low it might as well have been off.

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