Chapter 29

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No one's POV

The members were in awe at the sight of baby Kookie , he was a lot noisier but none the less an adorable bundle.

"I think somebody needs a bottle then" Jin cooed bopping the baby's nose making him giggle before heading to the kitchen  where luckily they had a bottle.

Whilst Jin was making the bottle of milk Taehyung was mesmerised by how the middle pig of the group could go from being a little troublemaker of a toddler to not being able to even form a sentence , he especially liked the idea of he'd boyfriend 100% relying on him.

"I'm gonna change him into some comfortable clothes" he said taking his baby whilst Hoseok hummed in agreement taking Jimin to their room.

When in their room Kookie whined at having to be put on the changing table wanting to feel his daddy's heartbeat "Okay my little Kookie" he cooed looking through the draws of onesies that were luckily right by the changing table so he could make sure the younger was safe.

The members were prepared for baby space thanks to Yoongi who had thankfully came across it whilst looking up little space , so they had everything they needed such as nappys and teething rings.

Collecting the items he sat them on the changing table next to Jungkook's feet gaining his attention , the little watched in wonder as his daddy removed his clothes putting a foreign item on his bottom and strapping it up.

The baby was too interested in the blue teething ring to realise he was now being picked up and being taken to the living room where a small Jimin sat playing with one of Jungkook's stuffies , dressed in a similar onesie to the older boy.

"K-Kookie! " Jimin shouted loosing interest in the bear with pink fur and now focused on the younger.

"Jiminie we don't shout" Hoseok semi scolded making Jimin pout and mumble an aplolgy before his attention was once again on Jungkook who was now laid on his back once again his interest on his feet.

Jimin looked at Taehyung for permission to go to Kookie earning attention nod , making his way over to Kookie he picked up a small bunny .

"Kookie ?" He wispered "I'm ChimChim your big bwother" he wispered happily handing the bunny to the obliviously happy baby.

After Jin had come in with the bottle,  both little and members had been fed the members took their time to take in all that had happened over the past few weeks.

Jungkook had become and accidental little , Jimin had become jealous and depressed ending up in hospital only to come out as a little too and oh Yoongi had now caught feeling for Jimin.

But one thing they all thought ; they wouldn't have it any other way.

Little one J.JK X BTS     °•° Taekook°•°Where stories live. Discover now