Chapter 4

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Holding the sleeping boy tightly Taehyung began to feel his eyes getting heavier threatening to close and a smile creep across his face as he thought about the position he was in  'Jungkook never cuddles anyone '  .

The loud pinging of Tae's phone echoed through the peaceful room interrupting his thoughts the darkness now eliminated by the brightness.

Tapping around the floor frantically the phone continued to ping making  Jungkook  stir.

"Shit" cursing Tae slowly removed his arm from around the maknae propping a pillow behind his neck to prevent it getting stiff making sure not to wake him , after crawling from the death grip of the unusually clingy kook Tae continued to scower the floor patting behind the pillow his hand was met with the large glass object.

A sigh of relief escaped his lips as he brought the phone to his eye level turning it on silent before any more pings could errupt the silence, slipping the phone into his front pocket he leant down carefully picking up Jungkook and walking towards his neatly made double bed placing him on the bed he wrapped him up like a burrito in the fluffy blanket at the end of the bed just how Kook liked.

Warmly smiling at the younger Taehyung began to make his way towards the door but not before planting a small delicate kiss on the bang covered forehead of the sleeping boy "I love you kook" 


Plodding over to the fridge he opened the door scanning his eyes over its contents for anything he could directly eat.

Tae's  grumbling stomach reminded him to stop being fussy and get some food as his eyes spotted a small dish with clingfilm and a pink  love heart sticky note , trying to reach for the top shelf of the fridge where the dish was Taehyung groaned in annoyance as it was just out of reach looking up the dish that most probably contained tasty food continued to call taught him.

Jogging towards the dining tabled he quietly picked up a chair taking it over to the fridge.

Standing on top of the chair his  nose was met with the delicious smell of freshly made rolls of beef and vegetable kimbap his favorite.  

Picking the note off of the kimbap the older read the words carefully out of curiosity.

" Tae it about 9:30 right now all the members are out (unless Jungkook is still home)  and you are hungry ... Correct? I made this for you before I went out with Namjoon if it is 9:30 we will be back soon . ENJOY! Jin ❤" 

Smiling deeply at the note Taehyung folded the note putting it in his pocket along with his phone.

Climbing down from the chair and pushing it aside he closed the fridge and reached for the chair scraping it across the floor to the table. Sitting down at the table Taehyung began to eat the kimbap taking his phone out of his pocket he unlocked it to reveal 13 messages from Jin and 6 messages from Namjoon.

Swallowing the chewed up kimbap his heart began to pound he knew he was in trouble .

Eomma Jin😇💜 7:13PM

KIM TAEHYUNG! I thought I told you to message call me?! 

Eomma Jin 😇💜 7:20 PM 

Taehyung unless you and Kookie are finally doing the frikle frakle you have no reason not to be calling and reading my messages!

Looking at the message Jin had sent him Taehyung had almost choked on the piece of food he was eating " curse you Jin"  all of BTS knew Taehyung had immence feelings for Jungkook all EXCEPT Jungkook meraculously. 

Placing his head down Taehyung heart dropped ... Jungkook will never love him like he loves him...

Little one J.JK X BTS     °•° Taekook°•°Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora