Chapter 34

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No one's POV

Things had been weird around Hoseok,  Jimin and Yoongi these past few weeks .

It had been a silent rule that nobody was to bring up the weirdness if you like of their relationship.

Yoongi had become part of them and Jimin had even started to call him Dada but still the group didn't really undertand what was going on , which lead to the three more so Hoseok and Yoongi getting a grilling from the rest of the dorm .

*Flash back to an hour ago*

Jin sat patiently on the sofa next to Namjoon having discussed with the leader that awkwardness the threes 'relationship' was having on the group.

Namjoon  had tried to explain to the the eldest how it wasn't any of the groups business but being the nosey leader he was none the less agreed to hold a meeting with the group .

No sooner had Jin shouted the couples into the living room were they all sat down awkwardly looking at Namjin. 

"So Hoseok Yoongi and Jimin" Jin started watching as the three imideatly became fidgety "what's going on between you all?" He questioned skeptically.

"What he means is Yoongi are you now apart of their relationship?" Namjoon interfered wanting to get the awkwardness gone

"Yeah are you cause like it's kind of weird seeing Yoongi hyung all lovey dovey not that's it's bad or anything" Taehyung quickly rushed the end seeing how Yoongi shot him a glare.

Jungkook didn't add any comments watching how Jimin played with his sleeves looking as if even he wanted to know the answer.

Don't get him wrong Jimin loved Yoongi hyung,  but adding him to the relationship?

After staring at how uncomfortable Jimin was becoming Jungkook quickly stood up taking Jim arm gently dragging him out of the spotlight into his bedroom.

Jimin looked at the younger shocked for a second before making him self comfortable on yhe bed , knowing he was going to be in here for a while.

"Talk" Jungkook stated bluntly sitting opposite the elder.


"Don't act stupid Jimin hyung , what do you want with Yoongi?" The younger asked deciding to go with the tough love approach .

Jiminie blushed hard thinking about the two men , he knew what he wanted he just didn't know if he was ready to make it official .


"I like him" h softly spoke "I like him so much Kookie,  he was there for me when I was in hospital he would stay late and talk me though his day he'd even cry saying how much he missed me" Jungkook could tell my the way the boys face lit up that he wanted Hoseok and Yoongs.

"Do you want him and Hoseok baby?" The younger could tell that he was talking to the little by the way he wasn't looking at him anymore.

"Yesh I wuv em' Kookie wike boyfwiends!" The little excitedly screamed making the younger smile his famous bunny smile , also making him regress too.

"Otay Minie now we need to tell our daddies" the boy replied being around the age of 6.

Taking the boys hand he led  him out to where Jin was still asking questions , the attention was soon drawn to the boys thanks to Jiminie sneezing cutely like a kitten.

"Hey Kitten" Hoseok cooed stretching his arms out for his little boy

Jimin let go of Kooks hand making his way towards his caregiver whilst Kookie did the same .

"Kookie and me twalked bout chu daddy" Jiminie tried to wisper

"Oh what did my little prince and his friend talk about hmm" His daddy asked tickling the boy.

"Jiminie wants Uncle Hobi and Uncle Yoonie both be his Boyfwiends!" Kookie answered quickly shocking everyone.

And that's how Jimseok  (?) Became Yoonseokjim  (new ship name okay ?😂)

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