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"Hello?" I call out to the empty area around me. It's dark, and I can't see any walls, but I know there must be some.

"Where am I? What am I doing here?" I question the abyss once more, receiving no response.

Moving from my position in what could possibly be the center of, I walk straight ahead. Perhaps there's a door I could find? Or a light switch? That would be nice. I do so enjoy not being able to see.

Now is not the time for sarcasm, Niall.

Holding my hands out in front of me, I continue to walk forward with the hopes of coming into contact with something - perhaps someone?

"Hellooo? Is anyone there?" I call out again once I feel as though enough time has passed. Nothing. Not even a whisper of wind in response. What is this place?

Continuing to walk forward, my hands have yet to run into anything. Perhaps I'm dead? It would make sense - it's dark, quiet, and I can't tell if anything is around me. I thought maybe this could be a warehouse, or an empty building, but now I'm not so sure.

"Am I dead?" I call out to the nothingness surrounding me, before a small laugh bubbles out of my throat, "Not like the abyss is going to answer me," I mutter, more to myself than anything else.

Well, what now?

I suppose I could keep walking, but what good would that do?

Then again, I'll never get out of here if I stay rooted in one place, so onward I must go.

Left, right, left, right, left, right, smack!

I come into contact with something solid. I bring my hands up and feel for it, and it's smooth - slick, almost. Knocking on it with my knuckles, I feel that it's probably some sort of glass or window-like material. Like what you see in the cop dramas in the interrogation rooms, but since I can't see I can't truly know for sure.

Knocking on it a little louder this time, I hear no sound.

That's strange, I think to myself, I should be able to hear this.

I knock again, harder once more.

Nothing. Not even the smallest decibel of noise. Now I'm confused - as if I wasn't before. Turning to the left, I decide to continue walking onward. I keep my hand on the boundary, so as to not get away from it. Perhaps there's an entrance somewhere?

After what feels like an eternity of following this unseen barrier, it turns a bit to the right, leading me farther away from where I began.

Maybe this wasn't such a good idea. Perhaps I could have gone the other way. I's a little too late now, though I can't help but think it.

Finally, I feel it. A dent in the barrier. Or, more accurately, a seam. Like where a door meets a wall. Travelling my fingers across it, hoping to figure out what the outline is, I give it a shove and it swings open.

Light floods into my spot, but when I turn around to see if anything else is illuminated, there's nothing there. It's as though the light can't penetrate the immense darkness I've just emerged from. My eyes have no trouble adjusting to the light, which is a bit odd, but who am I to question things like that?

Stepping into the lighted area, I see the door stays there, hanging open, as though it had never been closed in the first place.


I look back onto the new world in front of me and see a beautiful clearing with purple flowers sprouting up in between the vibrant green grass. No trees as far as the eye can see, but flowers everywhere. It's magnificent.

My Brother's Boyfriend ✓Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat