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Wrong. I can't do the next six days.

It was a Saturday night when Toby stayed in my dorm, and by Monday, I had a fresh new bruise.

Sunday night, Toby and I were doing some work in my room. I was working on a paper for my class and he was reading something.

"Niall, what is this?" Toby asks holding up an old journal of mine from about six months ago.

"One of my old journals, why?"

"You don't question me!" He shouts and gets in my face, startling me.

"Now, what is this?!" He demands again.

"Just a journal I've written some stuff in," I say, trying not to cry.

"What is this about 'being in love with him but he'll never know how I feel,'? Who is this about, Niall?" He reads one of the lines from one of the pages.

"It''s old crush I used to have on someone. It's nothing, I promise! I have you now and I love you, I swear!" I cry out and he hits me across the face.

"You're lying to me! Who is it, Niall?!"

"It's no one! Someone from secondary, but I don't know them anymore! It was just a harmless crush but I love you more than I ever cared about them, I promise, baby, please believe me," I plead, tears falling down my cheeks as I hold my face.

He throws the notebook down at me where I'm sitting on the ground and storms out of the room, slamming the door loudly in the process, making me flinch at the loud and abrupt noise.

I let my laptop fall to the ground beside me as I brought my knees into my chest, wrapped my arms around them, and cried into myself. I don't know how much time passed, but it was late when I decided to look at the damage done. The bruise and cut from Friday night were both still very much vibrant and noticeable, and now the addition of welt that will most probably form into a new bruise on my jawline was definitely going to raise some eyebrows.

Maybe I can say I fell? mugged?

Looking in the mirror and the new marking made me cry again, because the guy I love did this to me. The one I'm supposed to be able to trust, above all others, has hurt me again.

I forget my laptop on the ground and go into my nook when I hear voices coming down the hallway, recognizing them as Nick and Harry.

I sit in the recliner chair and curl up into myself, trying to be as small as possible to hide.

The door opens and I cover my mouth with my hand, avoiding the welt, and stifle a sob as I hear them talking about their anniversary next month. January 13th. One of the worst days of my life.

"What do you want to do, baby?" I hear Nick purr.

"Right now, or for the anniversary?" He asks, potentially not getting that Nick is obviously wanting some...attention.

"Both," he says seductively and I fight back a sob as I simultaneously fight back the urge to gag.

Their voices stop and I think I hear them kissing, so I decide to make my presence known. I grab my bag, throw my laptop in it, and step out of the nook which makes them jump apart. The sight of my soulmate snogging my twin brother will forever be burned into my mind, so I try to avoid looking as much as possible - as usual.

"Sorry, I'm gonna go," I mumble and rush past them and toward the door, only to be stopped by Harry grabbing my arm.

"No, it's okay, I'll go," he says.

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