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The following month passes...awkwardly. That's for sure.

The tension between Harry and I is so palpable you can almost reach out and touch it. Every time we're in the same room, the entire atmosphere changes. I'm not sure if Toby ever notices, but I know he is always touching me in some way no matter where we are.

I don't think Nick notices, either, but maybe he does. Not like he talks to me about anything anymore.

Toby stopped being quite as kind as he was before. He'd say things like, "You're mine, right?" And so on. One night we had a difference of opinion on what to have for dinner, and he yelled at me for trying to make his life difficult. I gave in and we went to where he wanted.

Come the Saturday night of our one month anniversary, Toby didn't ask me what I wanted to do, he just told me that there's a party on campus that we're going to and he dragged me along. He's done that a few times, now. Instead of asking me where I want to go, he'll just make a decision and force me to go out no matter what.

I mean, he's my boyfriend so I compromise on it and stuff, but it isn't always all that pleasant for me.

I know that this party will probably be pretty unpleasant because he's a little scary when he's inebriated. He gets physical. Not in the sense that he hits me, no, just that he gets...physically needy.

If that makes sense.

I'm already dreading tonight and we haven't even gotten there yet. Walking across campus to get there, he's holding my hand firmly in his. It doesn't hurt, it just a little bit uncomfortable. I try to wiggle my hand a little bit, but that earns me a harsh look, so I stop and continue letting him suffocate my fingers.

We walk up to the house the party is in and I can practically feel the bass from here. It's ridiculously loud. If anything, the police may shut this party down before long because of how loud it is. Oh god I hope so.

Then again, these parties happen rather frequently, so I don't know what happens. I've never been to a party before. And now that I'm dating an older guy, I have to go out and do stuff like this with him. We've done clubs and pubs (I like pubs a bit) and outings, but this is the first Uni party, and I already don't like it.

Walking past the girls throwing up in the bushes, we step over the threshold into the house and Toby drags me toward the kitchen to get a drink. I'm Irish so everyone thinks I should be slamming beers back left and right, but I don't like alcohol. I think it tastes like hand sanitizer.

He lets go of my hand and I immediately breathe a sigh of relief because he has an iron grip. He grabs two cups and fill it up with whatever alcohol is on hand, and he shoves one into my hands.

I sigh and take it, not wanting to let him down or upset him. He leads me to a couch with a vacant spot fit for only one person, and I know what's to come next. He sits down on the spot and pulls me down into his lap a little harshly, but it isn't a big deal.

He drinks about half of his drink and converses with those around us before he turns his attention to me.

"Why aren't you drinking, love?" He asks, using the pet name I adore.

I take a sip of my drink just to show him I'm drinking it, and fight back the very strong urge to grimace at the taste and burning.

"Sorry, I was distracted," I tell him.

"What distracted you?"

"I was just listening to your conversation, that's all," I explain.

"Couldn't keep your eyes off of me, huh?" He asks, only half joking.

My Brother's Boyfriend ✓Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat