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Eventually, Nick comes back into our shared room from wherever he was. He looks at what's happening, sees me in Zayn's arms crying, sees Harry sitting on his bed, and decides to just leave the room with Harry to leave me and Zayn alone.

I have to admit, it kind of hurt that he didn't bother asking if I was okay, but maybe he was assuming Harry would tell him what he knows, because Harry now knows everything, even though I never intended for that to happen.

I end up staying with Zayn for the rest of the day. He told me he didn't have any plans, so he wanted to stay with me.

Come about half ten at night, Toby showed up at my door.

"Hey, can we talk?" He asks.

I nod and let him into the room and he gives Zayn a foul look upon seeing him in my bed.

"Who are you?" He asks.

"I'm Zayn, Niall's best friend. We were just doing some studying and then were hanging out, but I best be going. I have to meet my girlfriend," Zayn says, giving me the perfect explanation for why a boy was in my bed, even though he doesn't have a girlfriend. He grabs his schoolbag and leaves me alone with my boyfriend.

"I'm sorry about earlier, I totally overreacted. It was not a big deal that you wrinkled my shirt, and I shouldn't have gotten so angry over it. I'm so sorry, Niall. I just forget who I'm talking to sometimes, but then I remember how much I love you and it knocks sense right back into me. Can you forgive me? Please?" He says so sincerely, I can't help but to give in to him because my heart is fluttering at the look he's giving me.

"Of course, you were stressed about work and I didn't help at all, I understand. It was my fault, I shouldn't have wrinkled your shirt. I won't do it again, I promise," I respond and see him smiling. He pulls me into his arms and I can't help but to melt into them.

"Can I stay the night?" He asks and I nod, knowing Nick won't mind.

I give him some sweats and the biggest spare shirt I can find (because he's much more muscled than I am) and we climb up into my bed even though I'm not even remotely tired.

I lay down with him and he drapes his arm across my waist, settling in to fall asleep. Before I know it, he's softly snoring beside me.

I'm unable to sleep, however, because I'm still so shaken up by the events of the past twenty four hours.

At half eleven, Nick and Harry come back into the room. Nick leaves the room again for whatever reason, leaving Harry standing there waiting for him. I lift my head to look at him, the light from the hallway blinding me, and try to see what's happening, but I can't. It's too bright.

I decide that, since I can't sleep, I may as well read so I wiggle out from Toby's arm and hop down off the bed, before getting ready to go into my nook. I can't sleep, and reading always makes it better.

"So..." Harry says quietly, trailing off.

"So?" I respond just as quiet, so as to not rouse Toby.

"He staying the night?" He asks, referring to Toby.

"Yeah, he fell asleep."



"Nothing. I just remember how you used to always fall asleep on me when we'd try to stay up all night in your basement," he says, smiling a bit at the memory.

"Yeah, well, that hasn't happened in a long time."

"I know...I'm sorry, for what it's worth."

"What do you mean?"

My Brother's Boyfriend ✓Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu