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I didn't have another run in with Harry for a few days. I've been avoiding him and Nick by spending all of my time with Zayn, as per usual. Maybe a little juvenile, but effective nonetheless.

On the following Tuesday, it was my two month anniversary with Toby. We started dating on October 18th, and now it's December 18th.

I woke up to my phone ringing loudly in my ear.

"Hello?" I answered, practically in my sleep.

"Hey baby, happy anniversary!" I heard Toby exclaim with happiness. Maybe today would be a good day?

"Happy anniversary baby," I mumble, still not even remotely awake.

"Aw, baby, you sound so cute when you're barely awake."

"Mm, thanks."

"Okay, go back to sleep, my love. I just wanted to tell you that I love you."

"Love you too," I mumble.

"Okay, goodnight my love,"

"G'night," I say and the phone falls from my hand as my head hits the pillow once more.

A few hours later, I wake up at half ten. I slept really well last night. That dream I had about a phone call was a little surreal, but I still slept really well.

I open my eyes and grab my phone. The call log says I got a call from Toby at half six, so maybe it wasn't a dream?

Unsure of what really happened, I dial him to find out.

"Hey baby, you awake this time?" He asks, his voice light.

"Yeah, did you call me this morning or did I dream it?" I yawn and press the heels of my hands into my eyes, trying to rub the sleep out of them.

"I called you to tell you happy anniversary and that I love you," he says with a laugh, obviously enjoying the fact that I've completely forgotten what happened.

"Oh. That makes a bit more sense. Sorry, I guess I was so out of it. I barely remember it," I admit, feeling worried he may begin to yell at me.

"I figured you wouldn't, you were really out of it. But don't worry, it was really cute. God, I miss you so much. I can't wait to see you in just under two weeks."

"I miss you too," I mumble, the words tasting like vinegar in my mouth. I'm not lying, but I'm not telling the truth, either.

"Alright, I have to go, my sweet. My mum is calling me to help her with wrapping some presents. I'll talk to you later?" He asks hopefully and I can't help but feel a tugging at my heart. Maybe he really does care for me?

"Sure," I respond, not wanting to anger him. He's in a good enough mood, so I bet I could put up with this for a while longer if things were to be this way.

"Okay, I love you, and happy anniversary once more!"

"Love you too, happy anniversary," I respond, grateful we went an entire conversation without him yelling or me crying.

He signs off and hangs up and I sigh in relief, thankful that the conversation is over - though I tense up when I hear someone clear their throat behind me.

I turn around and see Harry standing there awkwardly, hands in his pockets.

"Um, hi," I say just as awkwardly. Where is Zayn when I need him? "Do you know where Z is?"

"Yeah he went out for a run."

"Oh, okay. long have you been standing there?"

"Long enough," he mumbles and looks at the ground.

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