Chapter 3-Difficult Sortings

Start from the beginning

"We're here" I looked up at him like he had two heads and shook my head.

"I don't mean to alarm you Snape but this is a wall" suddenly I was pushed forward as I let out a scream; but instead of falling against the wall I fell into the wall. It went black for a split second before I landed on the other side on my stomach. I groaned and watched as Snape walked threw as if nothing happened. But, he did seem a bit annoyed.

"Your screaming could've caused us to be exposed if someone had looked"

"Yes well I wasn't expecting to get shoved into a wall!" his brows went down,

"Be quiet you're making a scene" I looked around and saw people looking over at us; I saw the same boy again and there was a boy next to him that looked identical; twins. They both looked amused at the situation that I was in.

"Yes like me getting shoved to the ground wasn't enough of a scene Snape" his eyes narrowed,

"Watch your tone, you don't want detention on your first day" I rolled my eyes,

"You can't give me dention when we aren't on school grounds" his didn't say anything after that so I assumed that I had won. I got up from the floor and took my bags as I smiled and waved at Snape.

"Thanks Snape, I'll see you at school" I turned before I could see his reaction as I got on the train just as the clock struck 11.


The train came to a stop and I looked out the window; seeing a huge castle in the distance; that must be Hogwarts. I got up from my seat and walked out of my compartment. I saw so many kids in different years all running up to carriages that were moving by themselves.

"First years! First years over here!" I looked over and saw a large man a baggy sweater and overalls. He had a long beard that covered up most of his face and hair that was even longer. I walked up to him and tapped him on the back,

"Excuse me sir, am I supposed to go with you? I'm supposed to get sorted tonight" his eyes brightened,

"Ah you're Ebony! Yes, only because we don't want you going and sitting down with everyone else until you're sorted into a house" I nodded and walked passed him; seeing younger kids getting into boats that were enchanted to move by themselves.

Since I was the last one I got a boat to myself as we set off; the stars were out; letting off a nice glow in the water. In the distance I saw aboat get attacked by a giant squid; they grabbed one of the kids and I gasped while standing up on my boat and pointing my wand at the squid. But, I stopped when I saw that the kids were laughing; it didn't take them down but it seemed to be playing. Everyone else was staring at me and I quickly sat back down and kept my eyes on my lap for the rest of the trip.

Once we were there we were all lead into the castle and down a hallway where a women explained the rules to us.

"Hello and welcome to Hogwarts; I am Professor McGonagall and I am the head of the Gryffindor house. Now when you are called there will be a sorting hat placed on your head and it will choose which house you were meant for. Once your house has been picked you will go over and sit there; that house is where you will be in as long as you are here" I smiled and after she finished her speech the doors opened and we all walked inside. I looked around and saw the four different houses; I didn't know which one I wanted to be in; they all looked the same other than their colours.

At the very end on the right I saw the twin redheads that were at the train station. They looked at me and the one on the right winked at me; I gave him a confused glace before looking away. I didn't have time for romance or silly flings; I just wanted to focus on my magic.

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