11. where I can't follow

Start from the beginning

He swore he was dying.

"Colty!" a loud squeal ripped through his room and though he never wanted to murder his sister, he seriously debated murdering her in that moment. "Wake up!" she slapped his back and he felt the sting rip through his body.

"Raine..." he grumbled, yanking his sheet up over him. "I love you, but for the love of god go away..." he pleaded, pulling in a long breath and as he slowly released it, he was more than sure he was going to vomit.

"I'm not going away, silly," she giggled, climbing up on the bed and sitting crossed legged. "Mommy said it was time I woke you up," she explained and received a growl. "Said it's too late in the day to be asleep."

"Tell her I'm sick..."

"I did!" she lit up that they thought the same thing. "But then daddy said you're sick isn't real."

"Feels real," he lifted his head from his pillow to look at her and drop it back on top.

"Daddy said being stupid doesn't count as being sick," she gently ran her hand through his hair and he found it so relaxing. "I told him to leave you alone..."

"Thank you," he closed his eyes, pretty certain if she kept rubbing his head he would fall back asleep.

"You sad Colty?" her voice became a whisper and he let out a long sigh. Suddenly being transformed back to when he was in high school and it was just them. Having many mornings where he would wake up to her and her asking him one of those questions.

"I'm not sad Princess," he promised and she nodded biting her lip. "Just...annoyed..."

"At Tenny?" she asked and his brows creased. "Heard mommy and daddy talking. They said you came home last night drunk and saying bad words about Tenny," she explained and he growled shaking his head at that. He remembered going out, he remembered being once again at a bar and he really remembered something he was hoping to forget.

Hearing some terrible karaoke behind him, he cringed as some heavy woman sang a song to her way to thin partner. After his afternoon he came here to forget awhile because he had found it really helped, for a few brief moments he turned so numb he forgot everything, but with that woman singing he was feeling a whole new set of pain.

"Ears bleeding?" he heard the sweet voice behind him and lifted his gaze to the familiar blonde easing down beside him.

"They were bleeding about an hour ago, now they might be in the processes of falling off," he confessed and she let out a laugh. Wiggling her finger at the bartender the old man nodded as he walked over and started to pour her a beer.

"Thanks," she took the drink and spun around to face the stage; resting her back against the bar he ran his eyes over her. Her tight top that pushed up her breast, her tight shorts that rose up as she shifted in her stool and revealed a pair of long tone legs, Colton unsure to why he never paid attention to her body before. Yes, he knew she was attractive but...but never took in how sexy she was. "She is pretty terrible," the blonde agreed, cutting her eyes at him and caught the look he was giving her and she smirked. "Let's make a deal," she sat the beer down and twisted to face him, dropping her hand to his leg and leaned close. "Every time she hits a bad note, or her voice cracks we do a shot," she suggested and he shook his head of his thoughts and pulled his gaze toward his beer.

"If we do that, I'm sure someone will be carrying us out in about an hour," he told her, looking back at the woman on stage and cringing when she started to strip her jacket off. "For the love of god, don't let that woman get naked."

"Have you ever done karaoke?" she kinked a brow and let out a loud laugh at the look he gave her.

"Do I look like someone who does karaoke?"

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