Chapter 28: Non-Stop

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I watched Kirito out of the corner of my eye as him and Marielle stopped in front of each other and just stared. I tried to get closer but a hefty, beast of a man blocked me and pushed me to the ground laughing. "Let's dance kitty!" He tried to hit me with hit metal bat but I rolled over and pulled out my lightning staff, shocking the back of his calf, causing him to fall. "AGH! HOW DARE YOU!" He screamed in pain clutching his leg, "you children will never win! Eiji is much too powerful!" He kept yelling profanity until his head was smashed in by the butt of a long distance gun.

I look up to see George holding it as the blood dripped down and soaked the soil. "Thanks for--"

Before I could finish my sentence, I heard a loud crash as an aircraft came crashing down from the sky. "We have no time for this let's win this!" Bai ran over with Koe and motioned for us to keep at it.

So, staying in our formation as a coon, we kept fighting them off. We made sure that no one's back was exposed to the enemy and that we were always looking out for each other. The only problem was...Ysa, Candy and Whenny were nowhere to be found.

Looking over to George, I could see the worry on his face as he glanced every so often looking for Whenny. I, on the other hand, was looking for Ysa and Candy. After what Eiji said, I couldn't help but wonder where they've gone since we were trained to stay together.

"Marielle stop! This isn't how to fix things, and you of all people should know that!" I looked over to see Kirito holding back Marielle's sword with his lighting staff turned off. "Please, you've seen how the capital has killed, abused and starved its people, how could you still fight for them?!"

She pushed her brother back making him stumble from the force. "No, you don't understand Rito!" She looked at him earnestly as a tear fell down her cheek, "he can give us a better life. Everyone just needs to stop with this moth nonsense!" She lifted her sword again towards her beloved brother.

Kirito dodged her swift movements and retorted back, "if you just joined us, you'd know what we're really fighting for! This isn't like you to just give up so easily!" He never once tried to attack her, but just kept lunging out of the way from her hits and swings.

"Who said I was giving up?" She stood straight as she huffed the words out angrily.

I walked closer to them but was cut off by another Panther. I was too distracted by Marielle and Kirito that I wasn't able to move fast enough and was slashed across my shoulder, "argh!" I stumbled back still giving half of my conversation to the two of them.

"You gave up the second you stopped believing in something more than our shit life back home!" Kirito, for the first time throughout the fight, pushed his sister to the ground. He stood over her and yelled, "I JUST WANT YOU TO LISTEN TO ME FOR ONCE INSTEAD OF THE DAMN BROADCASTERS!" He turned away and no joke, knocked a Panther on the side of the head. I looked down in the middle of my fight and saw the girl's head bleeding out on the floor.

Holy shit...I didn't think we'd actually be killing everyone here.

I took a moment after pushing the guy back that I was fighting, to look around and the dusty field everyone was clashing in. I saw many more Moths than Panthers still standing.

Thank the country that most of them are still up and at 'em! But...

I looked down and saw blood covering the grass and dirt. The ages looked like they could be around Papa's age or even younger than I. A shiver ran down my spine as I looked upon the lifeless people fighting for who knows what at this point...Because I don't.

"Why would I want to join the Moths Rito? There are enough worms in your little eclipse!" She laughed violently and charged him once again. He dodged her as she continued to laugh like she had lost her mind for good. "You really think you can beat me? You don't even know who's on your side and who--"

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