Chapter 11: Before The Sun Rises

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"Azami...? A-are you alright?" I looked up to see Sam hovering over me with a wash cloth on my forehead. "You passed out last night, I wanted to make sure you were alright so I kept waking you up...I'm sorry." Looking around the room I saw that the moon was low in the sky, with the sun on it's heels.

Sitting up, I feel a sharp pain go through my head and fall back down into Sam's lap.

wait...S A M ' S L A P ? ??


But how'd I even get here? All I remember was talking about the war and--

I looked up to Sam to see him staring straight at me, his fingers trailing through my hair seperating the strands then making his way back up to the top. "How long have we been here?" He stopped stroking my hair at the question and brushed the back of his hand against my cheek.

"My mother helped me carry you into a guest room, but after an hour when you didn't wake I..." He trailed off and looked away. I slowly sat up, but his hand never moved from my face.

I felt magnetically attracted to him the moment we locked eyes. It was like everything that happened in the last 15 years of my life were nothing compared to this moment. I reached my hand to his cheek then brushed it down and back up to his hair.

Ohhhh girl! You better kiss him, Haru didn't deserve you, but this boy is the one I can feel it!

But I've only know him for a day. Yeah he stayed with me all night, but he's also on the fence about which side of the war he wants to be on.

Who cares! For once you hould do something for yourself! Don't worry about mom or papa's stupid revolution against your country's dictator and just have some you time!

I brushed through his hair as I pulled him closer to me. I closed my eyes and in the moment wrapped my arms around him into a small but comforting embrace. "Thank you," I whispered to him as I could feel his jaw clench but his muscles loosen as he hugged me back.

We seperarted after awhile and he said softly, "I think...I-I'm going to join the rebel's." He looked up to me with a nonhesitant gaze and continued, "will you come with me, so I don't lose my way." I looked up into his eyes and shook my head lightly.

We both stood up and gathered a duffle bag for Sam, then walked into the kitchen where his mother sat silently at the table. "Mom...?" He walked up to her slightly, but was taken aback when she got up out of her chair and hugged her.

With tears streaming down her face, "thank you for not going to the capital in your father's place. Our dictator is not who you think he is and I think it's time you find out exactly why on your own my baby." She kept him close in her arms as she spoke, but he pulled away after saying his final goodbyes.

"I'll be back after we stop this...and if I see dad I promise I'll try to bring him home too."

"Don't promise something that we both know won't be happening." His mother took his hand in her's then hugged it tight to her chest. "He's not who you think he is anymore hun. If he really wanted to come home, he could've at anytime..." I looked at her with the same sadness I felt when I would see my papa sitting in front of our broadcastor when reports of rebels being put to death would come on.

Sam hugged his mother one more time before taking my hand in his and leading me out onto the streets. "Where to now?" He looked at me then back to the laudromat where him and his ,other lived.

"You don't have to go y'know. I'm sure she'll understand either way."

He looked back to me and in a split second began walking further and further away from the house. "No. I'm going to help you get to your mother. We can all be living a better life than we are now." He turned around and kept going, "remember how that vendor stopped you just before? If we had better law, we could get rid of people like that." He kept going on and on about how we could better the world.

But how? No one knws how to even get to Eiji...How will we be able to better ourselves if we do end up finding him?

Remember papa's stories. Education, banned teachings and languages long forgotten. If we try to figure out about these things, maybe you can try to use it all to your advantage!

No...those were just stories...

You and I both know thats not true.

I stopped walking down after Sam andjust stood there. "What if there really is no other way?" As I said this a hand appeared on my shoulder from behind.

I turned around slowly to see Sam's mom holding out a small book that looked identical to the one my papa had given to me before eaving. "Please, do not believe that this is all for nothing. There used to be great cities and amazing inventions flourishing ll around you." She turned me around completely and laid the book in my hands. "I know who you are," she backed away slowly towards her home. "And I know you'll be able to restore this country to it's former glory like your mother has tried." I backed away at the mention of my mother.

"H-how did you...?"

She turned around and walked into her home.

What the hell just happened?

I have no idea, weird old lady...

I think it's time to leave before this gets any weirder.


I turned around and opened my bag to switch the books so I could look at the map. "Let's not waste anymore time then, shall we?"

Sam looked at me and smiled, "we shall."



do you guys like HaruxAzami or SamxAzami?

personally I like Sam he's such a cutie, but I feel like if he got off the fence about the war he'd be awesome!

Follow my ig for early updates on chapters :) -_SoFran4

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