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Chapter: 9

Freshly Caught-

I squeezed my eyes shut and was on the verge of tears until the man stopped pulling and loosened his grip on me. "I don't think my partner has any 'fine goods' she'd like to trade with anyone today, like she stated just before , no?" Looking up in awe I see a boy, no a man standing between the vendor and me.

He looks back and gives me a small wink then turns back sternly to the vendor, "uh- Yes! I told him before uhm...darling, that I had nothing to trade with him but he insisted!" I played along the best I could with the courageous man.

The vendor let go of me completely frantically trying to explain himself, "w-well I just thought she was too young to have a partner yet that's all! Please I didn't realize!" He looked around, uneasiness creeping up his shoulder. "Don't make a big commotion out of nothing," looking around I could see some guardians marching over to us then back to see the vendor begin to pack up his stand.

Before I could see if they'd catch him in time I was being pulled through the crowd and into a small shack just off the road on a river bank.

Chapter: 10

Back Home-

Haru backed away from the man who he'd known since birth, "this isn't right! She doesn't even know what she's going to fight for!" Haru stepped forward to defend his love's honor.

But was once again shrunk by defeat at her father's words, "she knows. I've told her mostly everything. Her mother just needs to fill her in on the rest." He strode over to Haru with power booming in his voice, "did you really think I'd send my little girl up there with her knowing who we really are?" They both stared at each other.

"No..." Haru shrank back into the kitchen and sat at the table.

Jameson came in but paused before sitting down, "listen...I know that you have both been together for so long, but this isn't your fight and you know it." He sat down and patted the young second stager's back. "She needs to know about the massacres on our country that they've banned people from learning about. Please..." he pulled out a map from his pocket and placed it on the table. He walked to the doorway from the kitchen and spoke, "just don't try and stop her anymore."

Haru looked at the paper and rose up to his feet. "Thank—" He turned around to see Jameson nowhere in sight.

Chapter: 11

Before The Sun Rises-

Sam hugged his mother one more time before taking my hand in his and leading me out onto the streets. "Where to now?" He looked at me then back to the laundromat where he and his, other lived.

"You don't have to go y'know. I'm sure she'll understand either way."

He looked back to me and in a split second began walking further and further away from the house. "No. I'm going to help you get to your mother. We can all be living a better life than we are now." He turned around and kept going, "remember how that vendor stopped you just before? If we had better law, we could get rid of people like that." He kept going on and on about how we could better the world.

But how? No one knows how to even get to Eiji...How will we be able to better ourselves if we do end up finding him?

Remember papa's stories. Education banned teachings and languages long forgotten. If we try to figure out about these things, maybe you can try to use it all to your advantage!

Chapter: 12


"My name is Ezzy, you'll be staying in this room here. You'll have to share seeing that the other rooms aren't ready for another traveler." She gives Sam a side-eye then continues, "If you want dinner there will be food on the table later, just eat even if you don't see me." We sat on the mat as she kept talking in the doorway, "In the morning do not look for me to thank me, just leave. I'll be seeing you again in the future so there's no need for any of that crap now."

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