Chapter 9: Freshly Caught

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There's music for this chapter :)


It's been not even a day and I already regret leaving without saying goodbye.

What if he's angry with me? Maybe I should've stayed and talked this over with him more. Ugh he'll be so disappointed when I return defeated!

Relax! Papa said it was your decision!

Yes, I know, but what if it wasn't the wisest?

No decision made at the moment is wise, but over time you can see that it may have been the right thing to do.

Listen, I know you're just me trying to be positive about being a first stage breaking multiple laws in just one day...I have no idea where I was going with this point.

As I walked down the dirt road through another village I passed by kids playing kick ball in the street with melons and vendors shoving goods in people's faces trying to make a decent trade.

"And for you my young second stage girl? I freshly caught bass to bring home to your hubby or maybe some bread to fill his pit?" A big burley vendor with what looked like flies buzzing around him shoved a 'freshly caught' fish in my face that dropped salty muck from its gills and mouth.

I tried backing away putting my hands up, "no, no that's quite alright...I have nothing to trade anyways." He looked me up and down then smirked.

I backed away slightly, but ended up hitting a young man, "Oh come on sweetie, I'm sure we can find something you can trade for these fine goods..." he pulled me by my wrist closer to him and stroked my cheek with his other hand. "Maybe some of your own personally made fine goods."

He licked his lips while I shook my head no and tried to run away.  I looked around frantically looking for anyone in the crowd of people that would help me, but they all averted their gaze somewhere else.

I squeezed my eyes shut and was on the verge of tears until the man stopped pulling and loosened his grip on me.  "I don't think my partner has any 'fine goods' she'd like to trade with anyone today, like she stated just before , no?"  Looking up in awe I see a boy, no a man standing between the vendor and me. 

He looks back and gives me a small wink then turns back sternly to the vendor, "uh- Yes! I told him before uhm...darling, that I had nothing to trade with him but he insisted!"  I played along the best I could with the courageous man. 

The vendor let go of me completely frantically trying to explain himself, "w-well I just thought she was too young to have a partner yet that's all! Please I didn't realize!"  He looked around, uneasiness creeping up his shoulder.  "Don't make a big commotion out of nothing," looking around I could see some guardians marching over to us then back to see the vendor begin to pack up his stand. 

Before I could see if they'd catch him in time I was being pulled through the crowd and into a small shack just off the road on a river bank. 

I came to my senses once in the humble building and came face to face with the same man that saved me from the vendor.  "I'm sorry, but if we stayed over there any longer they would've taken us in too." He walked away from me to close the front windows and door.

I looked around the shack to see clothes hanging everywhere with dryers and washing machines lined up against the wall.

Another laundromat...

I spun around to see the man looking back at me. He stretched out his left hand towards me to shake, "I'm sorry I forgot the introduce myself," I took his hand and he lightly shook it. "I'm Sam, a seventeen year old second stage...I mean I guess you could tell from my uniform but just in case y'know?" I giggled like a child at his small joke.

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