Chapter 21: Flowing Tiers

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"GET INTO YOUR LINES PEOPLE! I'M ONLY TELLING YOU ONCE SO LET'S GO MOVE, MOVE, MOVE!" I looked out into the vast stadium with people running around aimlessly not knowing what to do. Only a select few who had a straight and determined stare on as they ran to a specific spot on the grass then got down on their left knee with their heads down.

I walked over to my mother and whispered beside her, "why are only certain people kneeling while others stand?" She looked down at me and smirked then turned back to the group to see them all standing in straight rows facing us.

She started forward and I went to follow her when she put her hand up making me stop in my tracks, "I'll place you soon enough. Just be patient my child." With that, she kept walking forward with her hands crossed behind her back and her eyes trained on the crouching people at the front of the lines.

Are they the officers?

Obviously, gosh...I can't believe it took me that long to realize it! They're lowering themselves to the leader of the Moths.

I shook my head in disappointment in myself as I just now realized what was happening. Looking through the rows, I saw a few familiar faces.


I wave my hand at him as I see his face light up, but he didn't move from his hard stance. Casually, I walked towards his line but stopped a few feet away. The officer for his line looked up and tilted her head. The moment our eyes met, I immediately recognized her.

"Grette?!" I yelped at the sight of the woman that was the start of my selfish reason to leave my home in the first place. She looked down saying nothing as others looked on in curiosity. Backing away, I ran back to the room I'd come from before and began to cry. "Seriously? Of all people to see here, Haru and Grette had to come together, here!" I sat on the bed and curled up into myself feeling defeated.

Just the sight of her makes my skin crawl, she's too perfect for him! Is this why he came to the Moths, to rub her perfection in my face! Well, we'll have none of that without a proper war.

I smirked to myself and began to pace the room when the small hole in the wall opened u-p again to reveal Sam and Haru. I inwardly laughed to myself wickedly, then jumped into Sam's arms, "oh Sam!~ I'm so happy to see you, I didn't know you'd be put into a tier so fast, how's the training?" I smiled at him as I kissed his cheek at let him hold me in his arms.

He blushed and hugged me tightly, "I was so worried about you when I saw that building collapse, I ran out the as soon as I saw the Guardians rushing towards where you were! Please don't go out alone like that anymore!" He smothered his face into my shoulder with a worried expression. We both sat like that for a while until we heard a grunt from a few feet away then slowly separated.

I composed myself into an innocent stare and asked, "oh Haru, when did you get here?" Looking nonchalant as ever, Haru stepped forward and leaned down to where he could come face to face with me. I laughed awkwardly as I pushed him away and said, "psh! If you do that you'll make Sam think you're going to kiss me!" I laughed on the outside but on the inside prayed that Sam was picking up what I was putting down.

In an instant, my prayers were answered when Sam stepped in front of me protectively and said sternly, "why did you follow us here?"

Peering around Sam to get a good hearty look and Haru's face I was surprised to see a smile and not anger. "Well, we're childhood friends after all!" He looked back at me then covered his mouth and gasped, "Oh my~! You haven't told him yet little peach? Gosh to think we were so close we used to change together, but now you don't even talk about me..."

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