Chapter 26: The Whole Truth part 1

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A voice from behind me called out. I turned to see a man towering over me, reaching out his hand.  I couldn't see his face but his voice was so soft and comforting, it was hard to pull away so I let his hand rest on my head.  "W-who are you?"

A low but soft chuckle resonated around me, "you know who I am."

Opening my eyes, I saw that I was surrounded by a barren desert with a scarily familiar man towering above me with his hand patting my head like I was a freakin dog.  Shoving him away the second I recognized him, Eiji laughed heartily and looked out across the desert.  "It's y-you!"

"Yes, it is I.  I'm glad to see you again Azami."  He looked back at me with a shine in his eyes that could only be compared to sinisterness.  "It seems you've finally been put up to the test.  But I can feel something else resonating within you, what can I do you for sweet pea?"  He walked closer, but I instinctively stepped back. 

Looking up at him with a fierce gaze, I let him know without even opening my mouth that I wanted nothing to do with him. 

He just chuckled then motioned for me to follow, "I'm sure once you see this, you'll want the answers you deserve to have." 

At first, I didn't dare to follow him. But then a thought crossed my mind:  What answers could I possibly want from anything he had to show me?

Taking a step towards him, he turned slightly and urged me to follow. "I won't bite, I just want you to see how it all really happened..." He paused for a moment as the space in front of him began to morph, "and maybe I'll even fill in a few parts if you'll have me."  

Staring past him, in the distance, I could see soldiers guarding a tall man and a petite woman boarding a train quickly.  Stepping closer, we were both close enough to see that the man and woman were a younger version of Eiji and what looks like a much younger woman right beside him. 

As they scrambled onto the train, the soldiers quickly marched on after them.  The train began moving without everyone on board, picking up its pace quicker than you would think.  "Why are you showing me a train?"  I stood there impatiently waiting for him to explain.

Sighing, Eiji turned to me and began, "there are many things you will not understand unless they are explained properly, my dear." He stepped ahead of me so that I could no longer see his face, "there are things hidden within your own life that you won't believe me if I told you unless you see it with your own eyes."

"Well yes..." I thought about what I was saying then quickly added, "and no!"  He turned around with a hint of a grin pasted on his usually stoic expression.  "Just because I haven't seen proof of something, doesn't mean I can't still believe in its truth.  My father can tell me I have a sister, but it will always be my own choice on whether or not I believe it."

"Yes, well..."  He turned back to the moving train and sighed, "what if I were to tell you that the Moths aren't fighting for the same thing you are and the books are mine?"  He sat down instinctively and a luscious gold and red chair appeared embellished in jewels and fancy carvings. 

Where does he get this crap from?  "That'd be something I just don't believe."

I held back what little laughter I had towards the situation, "see? This is what I was talking about, I have the choice of what I want to believe." Sitting on the ground next to him, I watched as little dust particles began to rise up into the air around us.

Without looking, I could almost feel his fingers tapping on the luxurious throne as he began, "you really think they would worry themselves with words they can't even read? Give me a break!" He stopped tapping and slumped himself on the palm of his hand and sighed, "did you even read the passages? I've signed each and every page, that should be enough evidence to suffice."

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